Electronic Commerce (e-commerce)

Check out more papers on Information Security Solar Power Supply Chain

Task: 01

Solar Power at Home provides information on alternative energy options for homeowners. Common sense home solar system tips, keeping costs down and collecting free, passive solar power for homes. Over the years we've waded through a lot of technical talk as we completely outfitted our living quarters with solar energy. Using solar energy has been a balancing act between working some basic energy conservation techniques and harvesting enough energy to maintain a relaxed lifestyle. So First I visit to the solar energy power website. Because of it helps to me for create some things for my country which enrich to electricity. The entire website has some new strategy to develop own product. They have some research service and tool 1/ Online solar tool
  • Solar Data & Mapping Tool
  • Solar Solutions Tool
  • Solar Networking Tool
  • Utility Case Studies Tool
2/ Report - Go in-depth on specific solar topics with the various research reports produced by solar electronic power each year. 3/ Newsletters - Let us serve as I strain for solar news. Electronic newsletter, which is sent weekend day, covers the news I need to know to stay up to speed on developments in the solar industry 4/ Research service

Solar electronic service Education

Conference and Expos- Solar power service is the congregation of two annual conferences: Solar Power International (co-presented with SEIA) and usefulness solar conference. These two conferences can't be beat to learn everything there is to know about solar technologies, policies, and programs. Workshop- We have to join with workshop because we know here what our situation from other company is and learn something more. Interaction & Outreach Solar electric Power facilitates communication for me with our internal experts as well as between me and other members. The combination results in unmatched learning, in order sharing, and business relationships. Business-to-Business Networking - B-to-B strategy is the modern technology which increase the Global business within short time.[1] This is the plan of work assignment. At the task one I visit some solar power website and learn some thing which encourages to me create a new business firm. At the task two is the plan of my work schedule and that the helps to finish my task at the perfect time schedule. At the task three I presented PowerPoint slide for the bank manager who helps me for build the plant in Bangladesh that solve the load shading problem. At the task four I establish a work plan to achieve a business of solar power. At the task five an outline project plan for the development and launch of the Green Office Online ecommerce site. At the task six a short briefing document of the major benefits of having an effective security policy in place for an online business.

Task: 03

Task: 04

Creating a business plan is just the beginning of business planning. A small business needs active business planning from setting up through closure and at all stages in between as my business objectives modify in response to innovative ideas or market forces. From cradle to closure, here is small business planning resources to keep things running easily or exit my business. The business will set up a store in Bangladesh and sell lock hardware and services to Solar in the community through a combination of direct and online selling techniques and advertising.


The objectives for Bangladesh solar power Keys is:
  1. Launch a store in a highly visible location in Bangladesh at Dhaka.
  2. Establish relationships with open field with a building as a preferred vendor for Plants in the first year of operation
  3. To solve the load shading by use the solar power
  4. Achieve a doubling of sales by its third year of operation, withgross margins better than40% on products


Bangladesh Solar Power Keys will increase the Solar Power Plants by on condition that the best quality Equipment products, as well as highly skilled system and restore diminish the use of electricity.

Keys to Success

To succeed as a solar business, we have to manage under the Keys must:
  1. Develop relationships with owner of various open unused fields.
  2. Create awareness in the community of their immediacy, excellence, and rational prices
  3. take action quickly to requests

Company Summery:

Motivate the pleasure of creative be the best rather than the biggest. To reduce power use company-wide, we have introduced "Eco-Ice," an air-conditioning structure calculated to use the electric power generated at night more successfully. Energy-saving activities in each department include setting personal computers to the power-saving mode, replacing them with LCD models, setting air conditioners to appropriate temperatures for the summer and winter seasons, and replacing luminous tubes with low-energy lighting. even as operation of the new addition to the Miyakoda Factory has increased the power consumption volume at that plant, it has had the effect of reducing total power consumption company-wide, so that power consumption volume in FY2008 was 5% reduced from the level in FY2007. Bangladeshi Solar Power specializes in the design, sales and system of renewable energy equipment and systems. We offer reasonable and faithful photovoltaic (solar), wind generation, solar thermal and rain harvesting products and systems. TXSPC provides an alternative and sustainable power source along with the highest quality of service for residential, commercial, government, marine, RV and remote applications. Renewable energy equipment is becoming more affordable for the individual and is not just for commercial and government applications.

Advertising and Promotion Plan

For all intents and purposes the Advertising and Promotion sector of the marketing plan describes how we are going to distribute our Unique Selling Proposition to our potential customers. While there are accurately thousands of different promotion avenues available to me, what distinguishes a successful Advertising and Promotion Plan from an unsuccessful one is focus - and that's what our Unique Selling Proposition provides. So think first of the message that I want to send to my targeted audience. Then look at these promotion possibilities and decide which to emphasize in our marketing plan: Advertising - The best approach to advertising is to think of it in terms of media and which media will be most effective in reaching your target market. Then you can make decisions about how much of your annual advertising budget you're going to spend on each medium. What percentage of your annual advertising budget will you invest in each of the following?
  • the Internet
  • Website
  • television
  • radio
  • newspapers
  • magazines
  • telephone books/directories
  • billboards
  • bench/bus/subway ads
  • direct mail
Include not only the cost of the advertising but your projections about how much business the advertising will bring in.

The Internet

Internet is the most communicating way to each other. Here is a company or personally can advertising easily. In the modern science internet is the well wisher for every one and most familiar activities. Example: Facebook, yahoo, hotmail etc.


The company should have a website. In the website have contain the every information for the user. Which to make a decision to helps to create for solar power.


Television is the great opportunity for advertising and promotional activities. Now television are attach with satellite so that every person are related with that. We have created some attractive massage for customer and arrange some talk show etc.


Radio is became a attractive stage in the modern society. The FM station is most favorites to the young generation as well as past generation. So we can our promotion activities in there by many ways. Example: talk show, advertising etc.


Newspaper is great source to reach the massage for our customer. We know most educative person are used to with newspaper. We can publish our promotion activates. It will help to us for awareness to the customer also encourages visiting our website and concussing about our environment.


Magazine is another attractive part for educative person. The weekend, monthly or yearly magazines are hot favorite to them. Telephone books/directories Telephone books/directories are the one part for promotional activities.


Billboards are the great source to contact with people. At the billboard we provide attractive massage to the people.

Bench/Bus/Subway ads

In those of way are most useable for advertising. To give them some money for advertising with contract paper.

Direct mail or email

By direct mail or email are another way to aware the people about solar power energy. Example: yahoo, gmail, postal etc. Marketing Materials - Every business will include some of these in their promotion plans. The most common marketing material is the business card, but brochures, pamphlets and service sheets are also common. Publicity - Another opportunity of promotion that every business should use. Describe how you plan to generate marketing. While press releases spring to mind, that's only one way to get people spreading the word about your business. Consider:
  • product launches
  • special events, including community involvement
  • writing articles
  • getting and using testimonials

Public Speaking and Conferences

Making speeches at conferences, professional association meetings and other events positions you and your company as a leader in your field. Attending conferences is also an opportunity to make valuable contacts that lead to sales

Web Plan Summary

Bangladesh Solar Power website will offer basic information about the business, with details on the product line carried, but stopping short of offering e-commerce. Customers will be referred to go to the store to purchase items and to call to schedule consultations. The website will act as an extended brochure for the business for both residential and commercial customers.

Website Marketing Strategy

Bangladesh Solar Power website will be marketed through the following means:
  • Search engine marketing - the purchasing of keywords on Google AdWords which attract local businesses and residents to the store
  • Mention of the website URL on business cards and brochures distributed by the business
  • Mention of the website URL on all ads and flyers
Making it big in the internet world is not as easy as it seems to be. You may require striving a lot and look up to various aspects of marketing in order to be successful in this aspect. There are several important online marketing activities my require focusing on in order to achieve great height of success in this field that already has too much of competition in it. In case, I am interested in one of the most important elements of online marketing activities, e-newsletter, my require deciphering the basic strategies as mentioned below:
  • Sell: The e-newsletter often acts as both a customer acquisition tool and a retention tool to enhance online sales.
  • Serve: e-newsletter adds value to your online marketing activities. It provides extra benefits to your customers online such as an exclusive offer with information about your products or industry sector online.
  • Speak: e-newsletter is an online marketing activity that would help you creating a communication method with your customer.
  • Save: e-newsletter would save a lot of money on your part. You can easily reduce print runs or extend it to those customers you can't afford to communicate with.

Marketing Strategy

Bangladesh Solar Power will focus on business sales to solar power management companies. This requires a dual approach to marketing. The following tactics are part of the business sales focus:
  • Design and produce brochures advertising the services offered by Solar Power
  • Develop a list of businesses in the neighborhood and import this list into salesforce.com
  • Send brochures by direct mail to this list
  • Advertise in trade publications for solar power management companies
  • Sales efforts to follow up with businesses
  • Creating a website for the business and offering additional information beyond the brochure[3]


After defining your strategy you must use the information you have gathered to determine whether this strategy will achieve the objective of making your enterprise competitive in the marketplace. Two of the most important assessments are described below.[4]

Task: 05

A solar power energy development process is a structure imposed on the development of a solar product. Synonyms include solar life cycle and equipment process. There are several models for such processes, each describing approaches to a variety of task or activities that take place during the process.


  • Overview
  • Solar power development activities
  • Planning
  • Implementation, testing and documenting
  • Deployment and maintenance
  • Product
  • Advantage
  • Project Preparation
  • Project Financing
  • Project Execution


The solar power energy is the main source of the sun. So we are using it with perfectly by solar energy. It helps to us by provide electricity. It protects our environment by natural climate. The solar energy demand is increasing day by day. It saves our electricity.

Solar Power Development Activities

We know solar power is the great source of our electricity. So we have to maintenance some activities for develop our solar power. The main source of sun so we have to protect the sun light perfectly because of the solar power energy is providing our service as an average.


Good planning is complete the half task of any task. So the important task has to create a lot of awareness to the people. Solar power energy can provide our small expectation for electricity. It is need to the entire house, office and other because it supply easily electricity backup. We have maintains some business police and promotion activities.

Implementation, Testing and Documenting

We have to complete our project task and implement on our practical life. In the practical life we want to solve our electrical problem. We have to increase to use solar power energy because it will not finish. The sun power give the power till destroy the world. So we start some project bass's implementation we also testing our project with completely documentary because it helps to our future analysis.

Deployment and maintenance

Deployment starts after the code is appropriately tested, is approved for release and sold or otherwise distributed into a production environment. Equipment training and support is important because a large percentage of solar projects fail because the developers fail to realize that it doesn't matter how much time and planning a development team puts into creating a solar power if nobody in an organization ends up using it. Maintenance and enhancing solar power plant to cope with newly discovered problems or new requirements can take far more time than the initial development of the solar plant. So it important to correctly deployment and maintenance the equipment is the main factor. So it need to a perfect engineer who can solve the technical problem.


Solar product is available Multi-crystalline Silicon ~ 14 - 16%, Crystalline Silicon ~ 18% conversion efficiency of 90% in the current market. Amorphous Silicon ~ 6-8%, Flexible and rigid, Cadmium Telluride ~ 8-9% is 10% current market but faster growing segment. First Solar capturing significant market Share for central power applications CIS/CIGS ~11-12% New commercial availability entering the market in 2008.


l Efficient and high performing materials - Direct bandgap semiconductors - Better energy output - kWh/KW - CIGS record at 19%+ conversion efficiency l Significantly reduced costs - Less material usage l Not affected by silicon supply shortages - Potential for improving costs throughout value chain l Better aesthetics l Roadmap of glass-to-glass and flexible substrate

Project Preparation

l Conceptualization l - Identification of Sites l - Pre-feasibility Studies l - Statutory Clearances l - Regulatory Clearances l - Risk Management Framework

Project Financing

l Engineering & Procurement l - Project Management l - Construction Supervision l - Operations Management

Project Execution

l Engineering & Procurement l - Project Management l - Construction Supervision l - Operations Management

Task: 06

The major benefits of having an effective security policy in palace for an online business

Effective Security Policy Messaging Important

The purpose of this policy is to supply requirements and explicit recommendations for the defense of Business Office information technology resources and the information stored on those wealth. Information security events are intended to protect information assets and preserve the privacy of the Institute's employees, students, sponsors, suppliers, and other associated entities. E-business is a powerful tool for business transformation that allows companies to enhance their supply-chain operation, reach new markets, and improve services for customers as well as for suppliers and employees.

Technical knowledge - Security

Traditional enterprise security has alert almost entirely on keeping intruders out by using tools such as firewalls and satisfied filters. This move toward, however, doesn't fit the security demands of the rising world of e-business. Now organizations want to make enterprise systems and information more obtainable to internal employees as well as people outside the organization like business partners and customers. At the same time, they need to maintain stretched controls over accurately which information and applications are made available to which users.[5]

Ebusiness - User Security Requirement

As an integral part of the e-business environment, the security solution must be constantly available. In addition, because the solution handles each user's access to the e-business environment, performance must be carefully considered. Other key user requirements are assuring the integrity of the transactions and assuring the privacy of the information. Both of these requirements are essential to building trust in the electronic relationship.


the availability requirements for e-business applications are greater than those for the human relationships that they replace. It's commonly acknowledged that e-commerce and other Customer-facing Web sites are available 24 X 7.


Users don't find the system responsive enough for their needs; they will rapidly lose faith in it and look to use other methods or other e-business partners.


It is the job of the security infrastructure to underpin user confidence by ensuring appropriate level s of authorization and authentication.


Users must be confident that their privacy will be protected against unauthorized access both from outside an organization and from unauthorized people within an organization. We hope that piracy related issues do not haunt any user in the future.[6]

E-business - Security Tasks

It may be useful to contrast the role of an e-business security solution with that of habitual network security tools. Traditional tools, such as firewalls, are intended to exclude potential intruders. In contrast, an e-business security solution supports the business need to let in selected outsiders. Partners and customers need access, but that access must be limited to specific systems. Another difference is that the e-business security solution must ensure that both outsider access and insider access must also be controlled. Surveys have shown that unauthorized access from within the organization is a widespread and fast-growing threat. To support these needs and protect the e-business environment and its users, the security solution should handle several specific security tasks: Authentication and Authorization Monitoring:

E-business-Monitoring Technology

By implementing authentication and authorization technology, a business can ensure that specific e-business resource such as applications and databases are protected from unauthorized access. Even so, there is a need for monitoring technology that can keep track of potential security problems for the network as a whole. Malicious attacks on business Web sites have become a well-publicized phenomenon. Successful attempts to penetrate the security of business systems, or bring Web sites to a halt by generating huge amounts of traffic, regularly make headlines. It may not be possible to completely eliminate the business risk caused by such attacks. However, it is possible to take advantage of new technology that can help minimize the risk by identifying the threat and enabling the organization to react quickly. To protect themselves against attacks, organizations have traditionally implemented a variety of technologies at the network boundary. These include:
  • Firewalls aimed at excluding attackers by admitting only certain types of network traffic
  • Intrusion detection systems that monitor the network or specific resources for anomalies such as the presence of unauthorized traffic
  • Filters to remove viruses before they spread to thousands of desktops [7]
Reference 1/ https://www.solarelectricpower.org/welcome/utilities-.aspx 2/ 3/ https://www.bplans.com/locksmith_business_plan/products_and_services_fc.cfm 4/ https://www.businessplans.org/Market.html 5/ https://www.ecommerceprogram.com/ecommerce/Ebusiness-Security.asp
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Electronic commerce (e-commerce). (2017, Jun 26). Retrieved February 17, 2025 , from

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