The business environment is changing rapidly in recent years and is affecting business all over the world. The management of various businesses are looking for a way to minimize the cost so the profit can be maximised. This will ensure business growth and sustainability. Hence many international companies are adopting the outsourcing in order to minimize the cost where there is less competence. IBM Daksh is one of the major Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) company in India where many Multi National Companies (MNC) have outsourced their business.
The purpose of this proposal is to help me organise my ideas and clarify my thoughts. I would also use this proposal to convince my audience that this research proposal is feasible.
My working title of the topic areas is BPO industry in India.
The study investigates BPO from USA to India, a case study in IBM Daksh, how BPO has impacted on India with different perspectives. Adopting qualitative case study research method, the organizations overall business strategy will be discussed and how they outsource their non core functions to other expertise company. It will explain the integration of outsource with business strategies.
This assessment is based on the actuality that BPO is emerging as a market and has become more common in European countries and it has become a comprehensive part of business deals. Analysts are estimating a remarkable revenue growth of business process outsource transactions and dreaming that IT business process outsourcing will touch reach your zenith of market.
Experts predict that BPO revenue will increase 13.8 percent per year. The most accurate predictor of BPO market said that worldwide BPO industry US$7.5 million in 2009 and US$11.9 by 2012, whereas McKinsey had predicted that worldwide BPO will be US$500 billion by 2008 that almost has proven in the last 3 years.
Halvey, John K (2007) defines business process outsourcing as outsourcing of one or more business processes to a third party vendor who is an expert of those functions. BPO focuses on the overall process to minimize the cost and maximize profits. As the competition grows globally, all the organizations must want to maintain a competitive edge and must function more effectively in order to sustain a position in the market. In some sense organizations want earn more revenue and want less operational cost. So in BPOs management turned over to the vendor, who in return commits to reduce costs, provide effective services and gain customer satisfaction.
With the IT - outsource market growth, BPO customers are looking for more productivity, improve methodologies, sharing of resources and customer satisfaction. As the global telecommunication is fastest, companies are shifting work to international vendors, although many countries have specialization in different fields. India, the core of business process outsourcing has expertise in engineering and technical services. Chinese and Mexicans are expert in manufacturing whereas U.S. analyse the business processes in an effective way along with creativity. Philippines are good in administrative skills. There is no doubt that Indian BPO industry is more favourable destination of world. Indian BPO industry has many reasons to attract European countries for investing here. India has the largest pool of workforce of low-cost technically sound, English speaking and expert in engineering. Their telecom sector has improved and meeting the U.S. outsourced call centre requirements. In addition being technically sound, the Indian manpower work at lower wages in comparison to other developed countries of the world. Flexibility in working hours is another major attraction for developed countries to work in Indian BPO. It is because of different time zone and geographical conditions. Due to all these factors Indian BPO is most desirable business environment for European countries.
The economic expansion of any country is very important for its growth. BPO contribution to GDP is very high gradually. For the year of 2003 the GDP contribution was 0.2, for 2003 was 0.5 and for the year 2009 was 2.5. This increased contribution to Indian GDP shows that IT-BPO industry has significant mark in the country's economy. Due to these thousands of people get employment.
Business process outsourcing is becoming increasingly important throughout the world. BPOs may integrate the IT management and business operations at the same level; it is highly beneficial for business processes. Moreover it involves the strategy of core operations of European countries with developing countries to get beneficial of lower cost. The United States market has been above all profitable for Indian BPO companies because of the 12-hour service providence, low cost manpower and skilled expertise. Higher management have also understood that for lower operational cost, it is essential to outsource non-core function to outside expertise. For highlight this industry benefit the researcher has chosen this topic for his dissertation.
The main objective of this research is to introduce the business processing units. Why they need to come into existence and how they are beneficial for India's economy. For five years every American company has its business processing units in India and they are earning huge amount. Then the researcher finds out the various drivers and challenges of Indian BPO Industry. International Business Machines (IBM) is a large company of USA. This research is to explore the reasons that why IBM has chosen India for their business process unit. The factors which are supported for India to maintaining its top position in this sector will be discussed as well. The overall objective of this dissertation is to explore the IBM Daksh which was started in 2004, its top ten BPO's of India. What are the Impacts of BPO in India in terms of economy? Because of new IBM Daksh more job opportunities are bringing in a new generation as already this BPO is serving 25,000 employees in India. How BPO's are affecting culture and lifestyles, educational system and Development of rural areas as new projects are going to provide job opportunities for rural area people. To achieve the aims and objectives of the study, some of the questions are below which must be met, are as follows:
The literature shows that Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) industry has rapidly increased in India. The study will investigate the obstacles and challenges of Indian BPO Industry. This will also highlight the demanding drivers for Indian BPO industry. Researcher will engage looking at how the IBM has introduced their BPO in India and how these steps of organization are aligned to its strategic planning process. Moreover the impact of BPO industry over India's economy will also be discussed. Case study discussion will explore the BPO industry in India and how India is leading in this industry. The remarkable growth of IBM Daksh will also be discussed.
With the changing trends of business globally every large size organization emphasis on cost reduction and effective quality services. To reduce the cost, organizations delegate non-core functions of business process outside the organization. The term BPO refers to business process outsourcing and it means outsourcing in all the sectors. Technological changes are integrating businesses with new trends and BPO can be differentiated in terms of using new technology and being implemented by current one. This research is important to the research and development for the Indian BPO and IBM Daksh, and also equally important to the researcher.
This study is beneficial for HR managers at IBM Daksh to look back into the procedures against retaining the talent pool. Researcher compares the Indian BPO industry with other blooming outsource countries, this will give a chance to improve industry and fill their gaps.
Finally this dissertation help the researcher gain an understanding of several basic concepts in BPO and enhances his knowledge after consulting many books and journals along with online web sources. This will help the researcher gather information about upcoming threats for business process industry worldwide. It will help their management improve infrastructure and concern about security issues.
Throughout the world business trends are changing and Information technology is spreading over business strategies. Business process outsourcing is also fast growing industry with the high growth of IT sector globally where key players are India, China, Canada, South Africa and the Philippines. India is most beneficial IT-BPO sector in developed countries. India is retaining their customers of BPO industry by providing them with low-cost manpower, proficient in English and technically sound. They have low cost advantage as compared to other European countries. Time zone difference and 24 hours service providence is another key point of Indian BPO sector. Because of all these factors which make India more efficient and cost effective BPO centre for developed countries. IBM decided to open its BPO in India with the name of IBM Daksh. This BPO is dealing with IT help desk, procurement, human resources, after sale customer support, customer growth etc. The information gathered from this study will be beneficial for IBM Daksh management and Indian IT-BPO industry; in case they can concentrate suggested recommendations to have come up solution for talent retention.
According to researcher the aims of the research have been partially achieved. The limitation of the research was that the researcher not taken interviews from the management of no concerned areas or departments of organization. Though, interviews were engaged with the outsource department of organization and employees of that BPO. Other BPOs employees of Indian industry were also interviewed by a researcher. While both the employees and the higher management at IBM Daksh were quite helpful. Along with informative interviews the document study and literature review proven very knowledge full for the researcher. Adequate in depth study was not possible due to lack of resources and time limitations.
The researcher adopted the two approaches in order to understand the Indian BPO industry and its implications in Indian economic life. Firstly, it contains a concise literature review about Indian BPO industry and why IBM chose for Daksh.
The second phase explores the reasons that why IBM chose Indian BPO industry for opening their unit. For this purpose case study methodology has been used.
This chapter revolves around the business process outsourcing. Furthermore the implementation of BPO in India is described. Increasingly some challenges of Indian BPO industry and how Indian BPO industry overcome those factors. Finally, the competitors of Indian BPO industry are discussed and under case study IBM will be reviewed.
This chapter will discuss the investigative strategy for this study, what practice was used for interviews and the limitations of the interviews. In-depth personal interviews regarding study subject were conducted. Document study was also used to help the researcher. Researcher adopted a critical realist post-positivist approach. Case study methodology was used for this study.
This chapter explains the business process outsourcing and how India is competing with other countries in this industry. This chapter provides the quantifiable reasons of India to be standing in top position BPO industry globally. Along with this, Indian BPO industry challenges are also highlighted. How Indian BPO industry is beneficial for IBM Daksh is also mentioned in this part of study. The rapid growth of IBM Daksh and its impact on Indian economy is also provided. At last findings of the study are analysed and discussed under the light of literature.
In this chapter researcher has provided with conclusions about this study. The aim of study has been achieved and recommendations for the organization are also here. Further research ideas are also provided by the researcher.
The chapter explains the BPO and an overview of Indian BPO industry, how the BPO industry is effecting on India. How it is becoming imperative for European business units, along with the benefits of BPO.
Moreover this chapter discusses the IBM Daksh case study and how they choose India for their BPO industry, thereafter company gain competitive edge. Data collected from books, journals and documents on Indian BPO industry.
According to Hoboken, N.J, John Eiley (2005, pp-5) the delegation of non-core functions of particular organization to other external resource is called the Business Process Outsourcing (BPO). In other words the revolutionary and innovative telecommunication infrastructure is an essential part of this process that gives the life to business process outsourcing.
Eltschinger, Cyrill (2007, pp-2-3) explains the process of transferring the business processing operations to an external service provider or resource for getting solve those functions in accountable manner is called Business Process Outsourcing (BPO). Basically this concept is derived from assign inside functions of company and delegate outside firm to handle them and get paid. Another positive impact of BPO is Value-Added Outsourcing. Why some functional area is turned over to an external source? In fact the external resource can add value to the action that becomes cost effective for the company.
According to Thomas N(2005, pp-1-2)Business process outsourcing (BPO) can be explain as some of business processes goes to an external vendor within the organization. Because of fast technology, telecommunication infrastructures are ruling over old methods of communications so Business process outsourcing (BPO) initiatives often contain the transfer the work to international vendors.
BPO industry is often indicated as a socio-technical industry because it clubs the technology with the social beings or human resources at a vast scale in order to reach millions of clients all over the world M. Purwar (2010, pp-4). The employees who leads the team and take initiatives must train employees regarding the technologies used in that strategy. Nontechnical managers cannot fill all expectations; they cannot reach the potential of required abilities.
Outsourcing system is used in agreement for services for that are not having expertise. By outsourcing they can focus on their time, money and energy. The companies can concentrate on other core functions in a better manner.
The business environment is changing rapidly in recent years and is affecting business all over the world. The management of various businesses are looking for a way to minimize the cost so the profit can be maximised. This will ensure business growth and sustainability. Hence many international companies are adopting the outsourcing in order to minimize the cost where there is less competence.
Outsourcing is a useful thought used in business and secretarial. It began in the early eighties when the management of the large organizations started to deliver their non-core functions to an external organization to get them done in a specialized way. Outsourcing was not officially recognized as a business strategy until 1989. Though, many organizations were not self-sufficient so they delegate some of their functions to outsiders. Outsourcing support services is the next stage. In the 1990s, when organizations started to concentrate on cost-saving measures, they started to outsource few functions; necessary to run a company. High level management started search for vendors and contracted with rising service companies to deliver non-core functions of company like human resources, data processing, payroll, accounts, security, plant infrastructure maintenance (Alexander & Young (1996).
In outsourcing, the external organization would take on the management of the outsourced function. In outsourcing, the outsourcer and the outsourcing partner have a great relationship when compared to the relationship between a buyer and a seller.In outsourcing, the outsourcer trusts the outsourcing partner with vital information. Outsourcing is no longer confined to the outsourcing of IT services. United States outsourcers now outsource financial services, engineering services, creative services, data entry services and much more. Organizations are realizing that outsourcing can lead the business as an effective business strategy towards achieve high targets.
Outsourcing process is valuable to both the outsourcing company and the vendor which provides outsourcing services. In an outsourcing relationship, the vendors enable the outsourcer to reduce operating costs, increase quality of business, put less time and money and get an increment in output.
Reasons behind outsourcing are below:
According toM. Purwar (2010, pp-5) Cost controlling is done by avoiding capital outflow associated with purchase of new and upgrade current systems. These savings can be done in infrastructure, operational cost and other core areas of company. Every single U.S dollar invested in Indian BPO industry can return output of equal 10-13 U.S dollar. Vast pool of skilled employees is ready to work for fewer wages. Call centres salaries are drastically less than western countries wages.
Rick.L (2006, pp- 21-23) explained that most of managers spend 80% of their time to manage the processes and sort out things while 20% use for strategy developing. But in outsourcing the situation is quite different. Through outsourcing saved time spend in developing strategies, generate revenue, advertising marketing campaign and focus on customer satisfaction. Business process outsourcing enhances the abilities of employees and increase company efficiency. Such companies are able to arrest new efficiencies and improve processes. Save employees and skilled manpower could use to relocate other projects to increase productivity.
Because of core functions of outsource company can save from harass of arrange training programs and recruiting expertise. BPOs provide expert's opinion and skills at low rate compared to U.S and western companies. The companies who want create brand equity often invest in infrastructure and hunt talent throughout the world. Many outsourcing companies are already facilitating companies in terms of improved efficiencies.
The growing competition among big giants of business world dictates that a successful company must have to maintain competitive edge to win the race. They should have immense process for keeping an eye on core competencies of company. Any company can get better performance of core non functions through outsourcing. Big companies cannot afford to spend valuable time on non-core procedures and transactions which can be handled by outside specialists. Through outsourcing companies can save time and spend that on increase revenues, develop product line and gain customer confidence. Business
process outsourcing can give the privilege to the company to focus on core competencies. Because BPO takes the responsibility to back office day to day routine activities.
In Eltschinger,Cyrill (2007, pp-2-3) opinion BPO enables you to redefine your business priorities, take on and perform better skills, cost effectiveness and get better result. Below are some advantages of BPO:
The disadvantages of outsourcing are less than advantages of outsourcing but should consider before jump in this industry.
Factor |
Advantage |
Disadvantage |
Cost arbitrage |
Large savings in labour cost. |
Additional maintenance and infrastructure cost due to the offshore country. Unemployment in outsourcing country. Political risks. |
Time zone differences |
Reduced turnaround time. On time delivery. 24/7 customer support. |
Social issues faced by the workforce because of monotonous and odd hours work. |
Working culture difference |
Global perspective. Offshore locations potential. |
Both parties' communication issues due to difference of languages and cultural norms. |
Table: Advantages and disadvantages of Offshore
According to M. Purwar (2010, pp-35), BPO is a very fast and growing industry which is attracting youngsters in India and growing at a rate of 40-50% rate since it started in India. In the previous few years there is high makeover in municipal youth and rapid changes the environment they live in. The remarkable growth of call centres in India is shown high graph of socioeconomic and cultural developments. Youngsters of India are ranging from their lifestyle, career, personality and language of the whole culture. No doubt this changing personality growth is leading towards their faster financial goals. They are moving towards their career milestones and attaining goals. Such attitudes compel them to join BPO industry. More reasons are listed below:
Indian Government cannot deny this factor that BPO industry is beneficial for Indian youth and thousands of people has got the job due to this. Industry sustained so many people.
The past five years have seen a big bang in the Indian Business process outsourcing (BPO) industry as almost every American Company has its BPO set in India. Large companies of US are having savings by being a part of this industry. BPO as we know are the Business Process Outsourcing units which function by collecting the data provided by the company's US headquarters, analysing them and sending out the processed output back to the headquarters or to the desired venue as directed by the company. Now, BPO industry tops the list of the profitable sectors in Indian economy.
According to India Business directory (2009) the BPO sectors demands are increasing from western countries, multiple reasons like due to the availability of cost-effective labour in India, who are highly skilled and also they are good in English speaking. India's telecommunication sector gave a lofty boom of BPO industry in 1994. There was 14% registered a growth rate of BPO sector in India during the first 6 months of 2007. During the last five years the growth rate of BPO industry of India was low because of less investment from outside countries, whereas now BPO industry is viewing some optimistic signs with investments from western countries. Mr. Som Mittal, President, NASSCOM (2011)said that Indian IT-BPO industry grew by 19% to reach USD 76 billion in 2011. A strong grow is seen in the domestic market of 16 percent having Rs.789 billion revenues. Direct employment graph is also high and satisfactory which is expected to reach nearly 2.54 million, along with the addition of 240,000 employees. According to the same source, 54% growth rate of Indian ITES-BPO recorded during 2003-2006. During the same time period Indian BPO sector created job opportunities for around 74,450 additional personnel. By the year 2009, the ITES- BPO of Indian sector employed around 1.15 million people, along with an expected sale of US$21 to US$24 dollars. (
Questions may raise that why India has been chosen by so many companies to open their outsourcing units. There are many reasons for choosing India. Some of significant factors are tech savvy professionals, cost effectiveness, better competencies; improve business risk management, 24 hours customer support and economies of scale.
FE bureaus (2009) explains in his article that the BPO sector in India has been the fastest growing sector, having a growth rate at a compounded annual for over 37% to aggregate revenues of US$14.8 billion in financial year 2009 of US$1.6 billion in financial year 2002. There is huge increment indirect employment for this period from 155,000 to almost 1 million people. It shows India as fastest growing sector.
Thus, India has maintained its top position in the global outsourcing market. Whereas it is the time of “cautious optimism,” the outsourcing industry is a need to sustain its expansion for 2years because its export target is 60 billion USD for FY2012. Whistle all stakeholders are needed to put efforts to deal with the present challenges.
Manaswi Purwar (2010, pp-5) explains in his study about the BPO industry that in the last decade, the growth rate of IT industry and BPO has gradually increased. Indian BPO industry has a major part in the growth of these sectors; country captured around 60% of total IT industry in off shoring and 45% of all BPO industries.
The BPO industry is currently growing throughout the world due to the benefits that it offers. According to statistics India will be at the top of BPO industry in coming years given the variety of advantages that have made it fundamental power of this industry. Being a fair analyser, researcher gathered information that call centres have become an addiction for youngsters for nation; it is hard to find any city without call centres. So these call centres are contributing a high share in Indian BPO industry revenue. They are providing 70% of BPO industry which is a healthy growing graph. Around 18% are coming from high level side and 9% through higher value information work.
CurrentlyIndia is leading the BPO industry with high market share. There are many factors that lead India towards the top position. Some of the main reasons are:
One of the main advantages of Indian BPO industry is lower cost manpower as compared to western countries. India has a talented labour pool. Moreover, 1.3 million graduates and .2 million post graduates are getting degrees from non engineering institutes. These figures show the skilled availability of human resource in India. This country is not only rich in terms of educated human resource but having the international level of work against strict timelines. Whereas countries like China and the Philippines are jumping into the race, India has to maintain this advantage. These countries offer low manpower costs and sometimes offer very low prices.
Indian BPO industry is growing rapidly in IT sector. IBM Daksh is dealing in call centers services of India. Strategy is stage where is the business trying to get to in the long-term and try to meet environmental challenges; any outsourcing company can successfully only if its IT strategy would align with business goals of outsourced Western organization. Outsourcing company needs to maintain the source company product standard. Indian outsourcing business units use to align IT business goals with vision.
IT/BPO field of India has achieved fabulous success because of the country's better infrastructure. In the last few years Indian BPO industry has grown in telecom, roads and power sectors. According to FE bureaus (2009), due to changes and increased business there is a need for updated infrastructure. Whereas the Indian BPO industry is not having any long term plans for the improvement of infrastructure. Other competitors of India are emphasized to develop a strategic roadmap about future infrastructure. There is a need to develop highways for reduced operational costs. Because poor infrastructure adds to business cost and firms need to cut down the cost to maintain edge in the BPO market internationally.
India has one major advantage over other competitors is 8-12 hour difference with respect to
U.S and other western countries. Due to this, can offer less turnaround time even doing work at night hours. India offers services around the clock. This advantage is GOD gifted for India because of exceptional geographical location. This time difference is beneficial for call centres.
According toMike (2009),from the last two decades many industries are serving in BPO, which includes IT, insurance, finance, engineering, hospitality and more. Companies involve third party to get more expertise in required fields. Many US companies preferred Asian countries to outsource their projects. By 2012 they are expected to show significant increase in annual rate. Through outsourcing companies lower cost of operation and due to advanced infrastructure, outsourcing has become easier to carry out.
When compared to the western countries, India has always offered a much lower cost of manpower as well as an abundance of it. Even for the other resources like land and low setup cost and lower investment risk companies have chosen India for various businesses. The BPO industry was a chance that most of the companies took in India as a small part of their companies. In a few years time, the small BPO offices flourished into big BPO giants and now function independently and give a turnover of more than 1000 million USD. In 2008 the total offshore BPO market was USD 36 billion, whose 35% market share was carried by leading India. Because of several advantages India has been able to maintain its top notch over its competing countries like China, Philippines, Mexico, Canada and Malaysia.
Lately, Philippines have proved to be a good rival of India in the BPO industry because of its educated English speaking workforce, familiarity with American work culture and knowledge of Spanish language but India's huge human resource is not an easy reach for the Philippines. In voice-based (2010) said that the India is still the leader in BPO Industry with overall revenue of US$70bn, while Philippines BPO revenue is US$9bn annually. The operating cost (Salaries, training etc.) is also cheaper. Taking this into consideration, IBM Daksh has opened its BPO in Philippines and now it is one of the top BPOs in the Philippines.
In an article about Chinese BPO industry, writer describes China as a rival and a largest threat to Indian BPO industry. China has two advantages over the India; the largest population and fastest economic growth with better infrastructure. The weakest areas of China are lacking in software development, while India provides better quality. Chinese BPO is expected to grow 26% by 2012. They will employ thousand of employees. Another advantage over India is their low cost manpower. Chinese have an obvious limitation i.e. they do not have as many English speaking graduates as India has. Also, the political conditions are not suitable enough for any company to open their businesses in China as they are not flexible with their market offerings for international companies. So, it has never been a strong rival for India. (
In recent times Mexico has proved as a dangerous competitor for India. They are serving well in low-end jobs due to their lack of unskilled workers in technological fields. Mexico keeps high manpower cost as compares to India and has swamped talent pool. Mexico lacks in mathematical skills, which is a low point.
South Africa could become a hot competitor in India BPO industry, because of time zone compatibility with Europe. Capable infrastructure is available for prospective investors in the fields of power, telecom and communications. They have 17 million physically powerful labour pools. They are lacking in skilled manpower whereas the costs are 20% less then Europe. IT outsourcing in South Africa is growing along with the diversity of the local market. This industry is looking for new inventions to get a competitive edge. A favourable exchange rate is plus point for this market to compete with India. The government of South Africa has supported policies in the BPO industry and having English base education system are points, which make this land a good opportunity for the BPO industry. In 2007, a government-backed BPO support programme announced, it had budgeted R1.1-billion in investment purposes to improve South Africa's BPO industry growth. (
Ireland and Canada are those who also capable of setting up BPO industries in their countries M. Purwar (2010, pp-30). These two countries have the advantage of the similarity in culture and terms of people in Europe. They are also good economic and infrastructure condition. Ireland has a less labour pool of just 1.8 million where as professionals are expensive. They are having expense US$23,000 while US$2,500-5,500 in India per year. Real estate prices are low as compared to US, but still higher compared to India. Canadian villages are also appropriate for 200-400 people operations.
Russian outsourcing provides cost effective quality services for that clients hire Russian resources. That's why its market is going to be billion dollars markets. Companies know that a vibrant market is growing in Russia. In light of these facts
Russia could have been considered as a capable rival of India for the BPO industry but was
out-ruled long back because of its poor infrastructure and resources to set up the industry and its English illiterate man power.
Thus, till today India is maintaining its top position in this sector but it has to be careful so as to improve its quality workforce as it has some rival countries who can with some effort take over India's BPO market. Therefore, India should be always on alert as it is now in its grip over the BPO industry. If India has to maintain its supremacy in BPO and its software workforce, then BPO India has to learn Spanish, which is spoken in more than 24 countries and some companies have already started training their Indian employees Spanish and are even encouraging the foreign language courses in several colleges and universities. If India is able to produce proficient Spanish speaking candidates like it has the English proficient candidates, there would be no turning back to India in this BPO market and it will remain the crown of the world's BPO industry.
IBM also known as the International Business Machines headquartered in Armouk, USA was founded in the 1880s. IBM is the world's largest computer companies and systems integrators, with over 388,000 employees worldwide. IBM is one of the largest and money-spinning information technology organizations in the world. IBM has eight research laboratories throughout the world. IBM had a very sharp increase in its infrastructure in the early years, from 1925 to 1950 the gross income of the company made a huge leap from US$13 million to US$266 million. This is drastic increment. It employs scientists, engineers, consultants and sales professionals from around the world and is stationed in over 170 countries across the globe employing more than 450,000 employees. The company mainly deals in manufacturing and sales of hardware and software but also provides a range of services for Aerospace, Automotive, Banking, Chemicals and Petroleum, Retail and Telecommunications and many more. (
According to the article about Indian industry, IBM acquires DaksheServices (2004) that IBM has acquired DaksheServices that is India's third largest BPO Company. The IBM Daksh is providing call centre services to more than 15 clients including Amazon, Citimortgage and Sprint. IBM Dakshwas started in 2004 with a total strength of 6000 employees who now has the strength of more than 25,000 employees all over India. The offices of this BPO are stationed in all the major cities now namely Chennai, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Kolkata and Delhi. The BPO has been opened in India keeping the following in mind:
Less work load on the US offices
In article (2009), explained that according to financial results of India's outsourcing giant WiPro (WIP), India's stock traded for US$14 before one year. In recent times it was about US$5. So in the opinion of Wall St. circumstances of the firm will get further worse. Few others big outsourcing plans BPO's in India will also do poorly. (,8599,1887779,00.html#ixzz1JyP2z0Lp)
Whilst manpower cost drop in the U.S., they are most likely reducing quicker in China and India. Bureaucrat rate of unemployment in India is 8.2%, but analysts are foreseeing its poor ratio throughout the year. India has to make a decision about adjustment of thousands employees which announced in U.S. IBM was looking for lower cost manpower.
Because of growing revenue and employees strength IBM decided to announce it an independent outsourcing unit and it is known as IBM Daksh Global Services globally. IBM chooses India for Daksh outsourcing unit because of lower manpower cost. IBM Daksh is generating the maximum revenues for IBM and is given much more than what the CEO of IBM had expected and turns at more than US$600 million of sales revenue per year.
IBM Daksh deals in latest information technology, and to provide best services. IBM Daksh India has developed explicit software tools. Outstanding improvements and significant performance is provided by these softwares in the BPO industry. These software tools have improved the performance of outsourcing firms in growing economies.
M. Purwar (2010, pp-4-6) explained that BPO provides efficient services at reasonable costs. They majorly focus on timely operations, less cost of infrastructure and end to end management. Another powerful benefit of BPO is that they spread organization's network outside the country effectively. In the same perspective India has many attractive aspects for US companies so they open their offices and even start new business ventures. Low tariff rules are another big reason for choosing India as BPO by IBM.
Mascarenhas (2010) said that IBM is quite confident regarding the growth prospect of the services sector in the domestic economy. They offer a wide range of services from software- related services to cover HR aspects of companies, so they plan to hire 5,000 employees in IBM Daksh.
There are several reasons to choose India but some of core reasons are discussed below:
M. Purwar (2010, pp-19) explains that cost effectiveness is a big reason to choose India BPO industry for IBM Daksh. In India, people are willing to work at very low wages whereas wages are four times higher in the USA as compared to India. If the wages of manpower would be much less for the company, they hire more manpower in same resources that enhances the capability of organization. In IT sector of India, employees offer tech support, troubleshooting at very low prices.
According to Rajeev, Meenakshi (2009) one of best practice that is fundamental for BPO success in India is good HR and high quality control norms. The best practices that are fundamental for the success of BPOfirms in India as perceived by the respondents are good HR practices and strict adherence to quality control norms. Given the coaching and training is involved in outsourcing jobs, the training and development rate is generally quite high. Therefore, to retain the well trained employees become vital for survival of companies.Due to these factors, the majority of the companies need to maintain best HR practices as this is the most critical component. Whereas 58% firms keep maintain quality assurance norms. Although their effect multiple factors for best HR practices.
India BPO industry's HR is healthy by maintaining good quality client relations; normally, when any company firewood to quality norms then can preserve the best employees, the rest HR practices are automatically secure.
India produces the largest number of graduates every year and they must know how to understand and speak the English language. Also, nearly 85% of Indian education system considers English as the first language and higher education is given mostly in English making nearly 90% of Indian fluent and well versed in English and thus adding one more advantage to the outsourcing sector. Other countries like China have more skilled employees but they do not have knowledge of English. IBM took interviews with many BPO employees and wanted to hire more than 80% of computer literates whistle remaining are undergoing training. Every BPO after recruitment, trains its employees with the process which they will be in. IBM is a USA based Company so they in truth were need of manpower who knows the English language. India's BPO industry fulfils this requirement in a sufficient way. Manpower of India is also being informed about the culture of western society and manners. Mike (2009) explained that the India is in the process of making huge commitments in providing its people, for their basic right of full education including females.
IBM has utilized Indian BPO market intelligently. Indian market has its own manufacturing and consumer market that is beneficial for IBM Daksh. IBM is approaching several Indian companies to enlarge its extraction into the Indian economy and is progressing very fast.
It would be interesting to know that India has the world's second largest population of engineers and the third largest population of scientists and researchers and unfortunately India's job market is very small compared to its giant manpower. It has lead to growth to the main developments in IT, business process outsourcing. So, skilled labour is readily available to the MNCs at a very cheap rate and due to the unavailability of desired employment, candidates tend to put forth less salary expectations themselves. This definitely offers a good nest for IBM which has already spread its wings all over the planet.
Also, opening offices in Indian cities need much less investment when compared to the costs in the USA. This is yet another reason why IBM has opened its offices in so many cities across India. As the real estate costs are shooting up rapidly in the Tier-I cities, IBM is turning its attention toward the Tier-II cities like Nasik, Sangli, Mangalore, Mysore etc.
Indian Government is well aware with their technical potential. M. Purwar (2010, pp-21-22) explains that IT is top priority of government and maximum relax policies has announced for the betterment of BPO industry in India. Some of favourable government policies are described below:
The Indian work environment is very flexible and adapts easily to any change implemented. Working employees of BPO industry mostly lye between age group of between 24-35 years. Western working culture is very welcoming by the youngsters and has shown more work efficiency by adapting it. Moreover it provides a reliable platform for the US Company to commence its several projects and has made a healthy growth rate of 9% of its revenue. In fact the culture of BPO is friendliness and having professionalism. And employees always put more efforts in friendly and trustworthy working environment.
IBM BPO is investing a good amount of its revenue to train and give higher education to its staff and has collaboration with many Indian Universities and colleges for this purpose. The Indian employees have supported and encouraged the company for this new training system. Now, the company has already started to reap the fruit of its strategy as it gets better, efficient and trained executives who are already familiar with the company's projects.
Opening BPOs around India has enabled IBM to work even in areas which are outside its expertise and has helped to reduce the company's expenditure and effort in understanding somebody else's expertise and then implementing them in itself. Thus, the US offices do not have to spend time to learn or handle issues related outsourcing and can engage themselves in other operations which are resulting in higher productivity and efficiency.
One of the most important reasons to choose India's BPO industry is their 24 hours working manpower. They work for seven days of the week with the same efficiency. Such additional points are not possible in USA units of IBM. In other words, 24 hours functioning adds to the efficiency of the India based BPOs. IBM takes advantage of time zone difference and get tasks done 24 hours of day. Indian call centres can provide services when there is off after 5pm in US. So their customers get 24 hours customer service at less cost.
Due to the low set up cost and flexibility of Indian markets, the business risk is the minimum when compared to doing business in any other country in the world.
All these factors have proved it beneficial for IBM to transfer its BPO unit to India and IBM Daksh has been successful in employing the potential human resource of India and establishing a randomly growing BPO with a socio-technical nature with India's investor friendly economy.
Indian BPOs are not much affected by the recession of 2008-2009 due to strong IT services and skilled manpower along with low cost infrastructure. Paranjpe, India Bureau (2010) explains that here is lot confusion in the southern edge of Europe because of the current recession, whereas the traditional Indian IT has not been affected in a bad manner.
Rajeev, Meenakshi (2009) has written in paper that due to the development and enhancement of information technology (IT), method of service delivery has changed thoroughly. IT has become this procedure very fast and reliable. As a result, IT related services had played a significant role inthe Indian economy. This technological revolution is the basic reason for the business process outsourcing industry.
According to recent statics mentioned in States News Services (2011)the Information technology Outsourcing industry is considered to be India's flourishing industry. This sector has played a significant impact onthe country's economy, transformed from a comparatively slow growing economy to a fast-growth economy.
During the period of five years (2003-2008) the employment in IT sector of India increased from 180,000 to 703,000, which was expected to increase around 1.45 million by the end of 2010. (
Another significant achievement of IT sector is that; it occupied the 6% of India's GDP, it is a drastic increment from 1.2% which is just achieved in a period of last 10 years, according to a recently concluded study by industry body NASSCOM.
According to NASSCOM, by 2020 10% of India's GDP will be account of this sector and 14% total revenues from all service sectors. Its unique service-led sector that contributed the 9% of country growing GDP.
M. Purwar (2010, pp-46-47) explained that IT-BPO sector contribution has overcome the agriculture sector as well. Its per capita GDP contribution is 80 times more than agriculture. This Indian BPO industry sector is growing two times more than overall total exports of past decade.
BPO Role in India's economic growth is set strategically towards making a momentous role in coming time as well. Foreign investment played a significant role in India's economic growth. One of the driving forces that participated to boost up the foreign investments in Indian BPO industry is the providence of high quality services. It compelled the U.S to invest in Indian BPO industry. Another reason is skilled and low cost workers. IBM Daksh can provide quality products to U.S clients even staying in India because her employees are working effectively to make the progress of company.
Nevertheless, if take a look IT-BPO sector in broader political economy of country, it comes up with infuriating the problems as well. From 1983- 2005 the agriculture share in GDP significantly reduced to a difference of 16%. During the same period IT-BPO increased share from 38% to 53% but the employment ratio was noticeable reduced. This Indian style capitalist development is leading towards a poverty and hunger and frustration towards unemployed class. It could lead towards job-less manpower increment.
Still the growth rate of Indian GDP of period 1997-98 is US$ 4.8 billion, for 2006-07 is US$ 47.8 billion along with Current rate of growth: 28%.
Also, the opening of new BPOs is bringing more job opportunities for the new generation. An example of which is already shown by IBM Daksh which has promised to employ another 25,000 employee for its India offices. (,8599,1887779,00.html#ixzz1JyP2z0Lp)
A well-known NASSCOM-McKinsey study provided a statistical data about India BPO industry that only a quarter of technical graduates and only 10-15% of general college graduatesare suitable for employment in the offshore IT and BPO industries.To overcome this deficiency, the large IT and BPO firms have decided to offer training programs for their employees.
IBM Daksh is a big giant of BPO industry. They need educated and English language is knowing employees, that's why they are collaborating with the Indian Government in terms of revenue to educate and apply the strategy for the betterment of their education system. The Indian Government has supported their plans and strategies to expand the country's education system. To promote the English as an international language, recently renowned colleges and Universities of India has allocated extra credits for foreign languages. That would also help to understand the handling of international processes. Moreover, the Indian education system emphasises on science and mathematics thus producing many capable graduates. These graduates are capable to fulfil the requirement of international outsourcing units.
Mike (2009) explained in his article that Indian Higher Education has facilitated to specialize in a specific field and get trained from technical Schools. They are also trying to raise graph of attendance in vocational high schools. According to careful estimation during 2008, over a million students completed vocational training through the Training Schemes. A handsome share of profits is also investing in higher commission education by IBM Daksh. Due to this investment number of seats are increasing for capable knowledge seekers.
IBM Daksh is also covering many areas other than educational sectors. IBM Daksh is helping many government and non-government bodies for the development of rural areas, to help deprived children.
In M. S. Balaji opinion the incredible increase in call centres industry of India has brought about a noteworthy alter in the socioeconomic culture and great change in the youth of Indian. There is no difference of opinion that outsourcing will grow in India. Many of Indian companies and employees are trying to adjust with changing trends to get profits. Analysts called this phenomenon as "BPO culture". There are both positive and negative impacts of BPO culture of the Indian youth. Their personalities, lifestyles, career and living is also affected through BPO culture.
BPO industry has changed peoples life style in a positive manner as well. The workers in this sector can afford a middle class family. Mostly employees are from the age group of 26-30 years who are very adaptive and excited towards western lifestyle and organizational culture. Youngsters move towards smoking and drinking because of the stressful environment of BPO units. They have to deliver work on time and time zone difference they become restless.
Swati Mahaseth (2010) tried to explain the after effects of BPO sector in India. Indian women are seeing attracted towards smoking. The rate is quite high. It is really shocking for India where female smoking is prohibited by society values. Whistle recent study shows women are smoking to kill stress, monotonous lifestyle. The majority of these women are from the BPO industry.
Another key problem in this industry is the high levels variation in labour rates. The labour attrition rates in the outsourcing industry vary between 20-40 percent. Nonspecific rules of companies, restlessness, time zone difference, mental and physical stress, non-beneficial policies are a few reasons.
Most of the BPOs are shifting its attention towards rural India which has led to development and awareness. Some BPO companies have set up operations in smaller towns and villages because there is low cost of operations and lower employee attrition levels are the few major benefits that companies derive from their rural operations. IBM Daksh has turned its attention from the Tier 1 cities to the tier 2 and 3 cities do their low costing and greater availability of growing talent. Daksh is even planning to open its new branches in the rural areas so as to train and draw in fresh talent and help not only itself but also India to develop its rural areas. Projects have already started in the suburbs of Nasik, Mysore and many other places. The present Indian Government is making enormous strides in educating its population and bringing them in the global market. Thus, Daksh is leading the India rural areas towards increasing literacy rate that company can earn profit effectively.
This industry is also playing a critical part in bridging the India's gender gap divide. They provide equal work opportunities to the country's women.
According to NASSACOM's research, 25% women employees of Indian BPO industry were captain wage earners, whilst 20% were positioned at the managerial level. Research predicts that by 2020 a large number of female employees are expected to cover the work places in the BPO industry. Expected value can be 5 million women to join the IT-BPO workforce.
Only women are not getting benefit through BPO industry, youngsters are also beneficial. This sector has employed lots of youngsters in the age group of 24-25 ages.
Since most of the BPOs are the outsourcing units of the companies from the Western countries like the USA and the UK and Europe, India have grown a very close relation with the Governments of these countries who are helping India to think in a new direction and helping in its progress. Many deserving employees are even sent to these countries at the companies' expense to have a clear idea about who they are working for and to learn about their work culture. This is about being a great help to many and eye opener for many to realise what exists outside this country where they sit and work for the rest of the world.
In this section, researcher will discuss that what research methods are normally could be used in dissertation and will provide a reasonable justification for the research method adopted by the current study. Research methods could normally be quantitative and qualitative. Creswell (1994) explains many other authors assumptionsabout two main research approaches.
Mix method research use both qualitative and quantitative methods. This shows that researcher may take quantitative data and qualities it, then can be converted into narrative and analysed as quantitatively. Where as quantities the qualitative data and convert into numerical code and can be used for statistical analysis. Teddlie (2003) argue that multiple methods can be useful if they provide better opportunities to answer research methods and can get better findings.
Smith (1975) said that bothqualitativeand quantitative methods have own merits and demerits. The qualitative research method observes the people, what they do then gather, analyse and synthesis the collected data. It usually emphasis on words despite of quantification of data gathering and analysis. Numerical values could be used by a quantitative method, which represent the total number of observations under study. Phenomenologist's can also use quantitative data, even it was not necessary for them to use statistical data. Glaser and Strauss (1967) argues that if quantitative data is handled analytically, rich and in depth information can get.
Whereas by adopting qualitative research method can investigate the character of a market through comprehensively research which provides the basics and help in decision making.Hagen, (1992: 82) argues that qualitative research is method is concerned with the nature of observable fact, not with the quantity of it. These are the reasons that a qualitative research design has adopted for this study.
The Quantitative research method has explained by Black (1999): it is done through structured questions which keep prearranged options to be clicked by respondents and these questionnaires are entertained by a large number of people.
A qualitative case study method has adopted because of the depth and fertility about the subject. (Riley et al 2000) said that under qualitative research, the researcher observes and records interviews, and then tries to communicate them according to the research questions and a dissertation adopted a critical realist post-positivist approach. In fact, the critical realist is very important for researcher aptitude to know reality with assurance (Trochim, 2000).
The research strategy is a plan of action that enables the researcher to carry out research analytically and will answer the research questions (Saunders, Lewis and Thornhill, l997). There are normally used three research strategies as: survey and case study and experiment. An embedded, case study design was most suitable because the aim of case study research is to gain knowledge about subject and “in-depth” understanding of real life implications about the research subject;
Otley and Berry (1994) add another type. Such a study could be describe some aspects of organizational life; the conclusions gained must be exceptionally inspiring and innovative as the business intelligence is quite unique and innovating for today's organizations. The different types of case study are not well defined and one type may be combined with more than one. Cross sectional studies often apply the survey strategy Robson (2002).
Yin (1994) explains the case study research in his own way, it describes that the research would not only investigate the theme off topic, but in the direction of understand their implementation within real life and could use multiple research methods for gathering data.
The research strategyis a plan of action that gives a path to your ideas and findings that enables you to conduct research methodically (Saunders, 1997, pp-74). According to Robson (1993) are three general research strategies as: experiment, survey and case study. Single case study method is adopted for this research, because the research questions could be addressed through in-depth understanding of phenomena concerned with real life.
According to Yin (1994, pp-13) any two characteristics of case study are that its not only will explore the BPO industry in India aligned with IBM Daksh but uses multiple methods of data collection. Qualitative and Quantitative both methods could be used parallel which help to understand in-depth phenomena of research in real life BPO industry.
Scapens (1990) describes the four types of case studies. Illustrative case studies are those where the research attempts to come up latest technologies and practices adopted by large organizations and industries. This research also enlightened IBM Daksh implemented in India and how IBM came up with betterment and innovation. Whereas experimental case studies study has also been applied on this dissertation. It showed how difficulties come up with the implementation of IBM Daksh in India and during the implementation of new procedures and techniques. How IBM gathered benefit from them.
Case studies are usually called as exploratory research; this type of case studies is used when researcher keeps poor knowledge about the topic and less number of theories. Nevertheless, this is not the only type of case studies. Scapens (1990) described the four types of case studies. One of them is Illustrative case studies.
Under illustrative case studies are discussed new changes and innovation going on in particular organizations and how those changes are effecting on companies.
This research also showed few organization's implemented business intelligence softwares who come up with innovation in those firms. Experimental case studies examine the hurdles in implementation of new parameters and technology in companies and then examine the advantages gathered from them. This type also applies on this dissertation.
Researchers are using case study research method since long for various disciplines. Yin explains that case study research method as where it enquires about any current issue along with its real life implications, and there could be used more than one research methods (Yin, 1984).
Every researcher has questions in his mind so case studies can be used to answering “how”, “why” and “who”: research questions likewise need to answer in the current study. This study is looking for that how BI is going to be important at today's information technology time. How BI is aligned to the organization's strategic planning processes. The study is also trying to explain the reason why organizations are using the business intelligence software's in their organizations and how those will help to grow them in the market and can get strategic decisions.
These are the reasons that tempted the researcher to adopt case study research strategy.
Management research is adopting case study research strategy because of the analysing the processes of organizations. Case studies can also be categorized as par their usages. Yin (1993) argues that on the basis of utilization, case studies can be distinguished in three categories. Those are exploratory, descriptive or explanatory. This dissertation has adopted explanatory study- where the researcher wants to continue the project to a deeper level than a simple description: researcher comes to know the answer of “why” the object is such as it is. Those conclusions help sum up all that is known about the object, it helps to see it in its context and in a previous record of the organization in current case study.
This dissertation contains an analytical literature review on the BI to understand about the BI, benefits and to know about the toolkit. Thoroughly analysis was done in the study to acknowledge whether there are some concepts and strategies are used between these organizations and how they get benefit from business intelligence software's.
Researchers have adopted the case study research method for many reasons. Robert K. Yin (1984, pp-5) argues that case study research method is an experimental inquest that helps to implement a modern phenomenon within its real-life framework; and there are multiple ways of data collection are used.
Normally “how”, “why” and “how are answered through case studies method. Such as to answer in the present study. This study seeks to find out how India's BPO industry has become the top and why IBM chose India, along with the impacts of this on India's economy.
How selection of India's BPO industry is aligned to IBM's corporate strategic planning process. The study is also trying to give explanation the reason why they are trying to outsource their units and how those will help to grow them in the market and can maintain a competitive edge. For these reasons, a case study strategy appeared to be the most appropriate research strategy to use.
Current case study has started with an extensive literature review about the topic, to get in depth study about India's BPO industry and its driving factors that bring it at the top.
The primary data for this case study has been collected through the qualitative interview, document study and questionnaire.
The researcher preferred qualitative interview method because through this the best data collection was gathered having comprehensible and profound information about the subject. In other words Hagen (1992, pp-82) argues that qualitative approaches are used to obtain tin-depth understanding while quantitative methods provide limited information about a particular phenomenon. The most important strengthen point of qualitative approaches is vast exploration and understanding of significance frames, that address the feelings of manpower in India, which are real-life implication in present project Hagen (1992, pp-82).
Open and structured interview methods are used in this research.
The proposal of an open interview is simple. The researcher conducted informal conversation with the respondent from IBM about specific topics. Normally respondent leads the course of the interview other than interviewers.
Semi-structured interviews are usually in between two extremes. There is more knowledge about the topic due to the greater extent of discussions. Researcher asks mostly open ended questions who gather in-depth information. So most of the questions are completely open-ended which discuss the deep issues of subject. So the consequently collected information is qualitative as well quantitative. One major benefit is that the interviewer continues to do not get answered sufficient portion of questions. The people from IBM were interviewed taken from different hierarchy levels of company in order to get a broad range of perspectives on the subject under study. The researcher went to interview to the Supervisor of IBM Daksh to clear points about how they are going in India and progress of BPO.
The best data gathering method is qualitative interviews that enables the researcher to get clear and deep information. Hagen (1992:82) argues about both qualitative and quantitative methods of investigation, quantitative methods, provides information about a subject up to a certain level whereas qualitative methods provide in depth information and knowledge about the topic. The power of qualitative approach is that it enlarges the circle of research through experiences description about subject and feelings about thorough interest in the research theme (Hagen, 1992:84).
A qualitative research interview is a technique that wraps factual as well meaning level. Whereas meaning level interview is difficult as compared to factual. (Kvale,1996)
The researcher conducted the interview in an open or structured manner. Because the open interviews are straightforward and for in depth study about the subject it could be useful. The researcher conducted informal conversation with the respondent about specific organizations. The researcher also takes semi-structured interviews. Semi-structured interview gathers more detail information in the course of knowledge about the problem statement.
Document study is an indirect method of data collection. Here the researcher gather data from something produced for some other reason Robson (1993, pp-272). This information can be obtained from official documents such as memos, procedure, plans, reports, policy statements, evaluation reports, press accounts, public relations materials and information statements. Even the advertisements of IBM Daksh can be used for document study.
Internet browsing and collection of data is secondary data collection method. Many informative journals from library and internet could also put remarkable information in this study.
Field notes are used as basic diagnostic technique. After interviews, the researcher assessed that what had been recorded and how data comes up with the knowledge about the subject. It was crucial to commence this exercise in order to refine the collected data Riley et al (1994, pp-100).
Once the content of data gathered that matched the spirit of the study had been identified, the researcher make an appropriate analysis sheet to make sure that each interview was analysed
Undoubtedly, data analysis is the most complicated and unpredictable phase of a qualitative research. Tesch (1990) explains that the process of data analysis is diverse, that could not be define.
The fundamental investigative technique of the procedure was the field notes. First researcher took interviews from all organizations, then he concluded that what had been recorded and how could be align with the aims of this dissertation. This practise is necessary to become clarity in the collection of data (Riley et al 2000). The questions asked in the semi-structured interview captured clear vision through which qualitative data obtained. Opposite to quantitative research methods, There are no specific parameters for selecting the data analysis Dominick, (1994:156)
The language used for qualitative analysis can be ambiguous. Most of times readers could not understand what actually researcher made in this portion and to recognise the findings.
Once the content of data gathered that align with the purpose of study is recognised, the researcher makes a suitable analysis sheet to make sure that each interview was analysed properly.
In fact researcher is the data collection tool in qualitative method and is very important phase of the research. While the researcher could come up with more information about the topic by open-ended questionnaire. Another productive way is to set up relation with employees of organizations; there is immense potential for interview bias.
It is necessary to minimize the probability of this type of bias. To serve this purpose same course of action was followed in interviewing with all the respondents from the start till the end of interviews.
This study adopted a qualitative research method to examine about outsourcing and how it effects on organizations. The study applied critical realist strategy lying in post-positivist and document study. The two research methods were used in this study: document study and in depth interviews. The data analysis technique was also discussed and technical problems and limitations discussed as well. The next chapter is research findings and discussions where findings from the study are discussed.
The researcher concluded through discussion that in fact outsourcing system enables organizations to contract with other companies (vendors) to get better expertise of some core functions of their processes, so they can focus their other portable tasks and save money. They delegate authorities to other companies instead of wasting important resources instead of trying to gain understanding of areas that are somebody else's expertise. Information technology is evolving around business areas rapidly throughout the world. Due to changing trends companies are confronting more and more problems and managing this information because of the increased involvedness of the technological environment and globalization (Abernathy & Utterback 1978). BPO industries seem to involve IT supported processes that continues a synchronization with the IT and rest of business systems. Here is the point that almost every modern business needs both a technical and a social module. BPO implementation will always involve a technology as well social component, to get maximum benefit. Decision making, strategy plan and organizational culture now involve socio in nature, which involves human interaction with technical processes. BPO supports this all environments.
Unemployment could be major painful area of any country, which stops the growth and development of country. The concept of BPO industry has resolved this issue up to a certain limit.
Indian BPO employees having a skill set that enhanced their reliability compared to other BPO industry countries. That's why BPO industry has collected impressive revenue for the Government. (
Women empowerment is another big issue for countries like India. Now BPO has proved the best place for women earning. Even if female employees are not willing to continue their career, they can join BPOs. Women are proving themselves in BPO. BPO is the only industry, which has given power to women employees to grow and handover them managerial posts.
In the light of literature review researcher mentions that Indian BPO industry has proved a splendid success. However, few problems have cropped up in the industry for which significant solutions are necessary.
After interviewing the management of IMB Daksh, the researcher came to know that vendor selection is an important factor. When their management was looking for BPO service provider, found that Indian BPO can add value to their business process having technical abilities.
Employees of BPOs mentioned that companies have high expectation from them, whereas higher management do not share company goals with them. Management only run after deadlines but not try to win the loyalty of manpower. This issue needs serious attention from the management side. On the same time lack of communication among employee creates dissatisfaction, it could ruin the industry. To achieve goals in given timelines, follow the proper chain of command is necessary. At a certain level in BPO, workforce needs motivation. But employees are demotivated due to high expectations of management.
One of interview assumes that such companies do not need skilled and expertise workforce while this concept among employees is reducing the efficiency of this industry gradually. BPOs hire middle age people no sense of progress develops in employees.
Management of BPO is largely worried about the industry's attrition. Attrition' refers a scenario where number of employees gradually reduces due to retirement, resignation, or death. According to analysts attrition rate of Indian BPO industry is growing and if the companies will not stop it seriously, they could face deficiency of professionals at high rate.
A major challenge is that BPO employees suffer from many health harms. The strain of working due to night shifts, pressurize deadlines and no specific career path defined. Some of employees suffer through diseases and still others mentally depressed. They depress because BPO industry eludes their social life. The nature of their job life, do not allow them to spend time with family and enjoy memorable events.
Literature review mentions that outsourcing race is going on throughout the business world. For the survival of company, outsourcing is almost essential. To get more and more market shares, is has become necessary to outsource the non-core functions. Companies outsource to achieve high quality results at minimum operational cost along with reduction of manpower quantity. Eltschinger, Cyrill (2007) explained that Asian concept about
outsourcing is; it is a matter of fact rather than a business process. American companies have extensive Asian market for outsource. Many of the companies have outsource units in India whereas many other countries are about to give tough time to India in terms of outsourcing. Managers chose India, think it safe and best utilization of their resources.
An increasing number of countries and companies are trying to get into outsourcing act. The attraction factors seem simple and same, talent pool, English speaking language, infrastructure, Government favours and the ability to complete business functions at low cost. However every outsource country provides the ingredients with different ratio. Below some regions are examined where outsourcing is being offered to American countries. The discussion highlights the major areas of outsourcing offered and how they are becoming a threat for Indian BPO industry.
Canada & Ireland:
Canada and Ireland are northern neighbours of United States. They could be a good choice to US outsource because of common business and social culture, good education level, favourable geographical placement and both nations people understanding. According to the Eltschinger, Cyrill (2007) statistics the currency worth is 15% less than U.S. dollars. Six years back, the U.S buyers took around 30 per cent cost saving benefit due to outsource in Canada. On the other hand India is offering manpower with less cost as compared to Canada and Ireland. There is poor talent pool in Ireland but professionals are expensive. Canadian engineer and high skilled manpower is much more expensive then India. Canadian expected IT jobs are 80,500 by the year 2010. Canada can be a good rival of Indian BPO industry because small and medium size organizations could move towards Canada for outsource.
China BPO industry is most rivalry largest threat to India BPO industry. Chinese BPO industry is challenging India with; a manpower of educated and skilled, Low wages and fastest economic growth. In fact China is not yet suffering through the wage inflation that is a threat for Indian outsourcing processes. The country has relatively low unemployment then India and improving telecommunication and infrastructure. Another big advantage is that geographically China is accessible to other countries easily.
Disadvantages are also there, like concerns about intellectual property and security issues. U.S companies are not familiar with Chinese organizational culture. Those companies need to spend more on training employees to keep working in Chinese culture.
Another advantage over India is their low cost manpower. Chinese have an obvious limitation i.e. they do not have as many English speaking graduates as India has. Also, the political conditions are not suitable enough for any company to open their businesses in China as they are not flexible with their market offerings for international companies.
In recent times Mexico has proved as a dangerous competitor in India. As the BPO and IT is growing in Mexico, it is taking benefit from its immediacy to the U.S and lower cost structure as compared in India. The country has a few favours in terms in the BPO industry: it has 30 percent less than U.S cost. Eltschinger, Cyrill (2007) defined that Hispanic community has reduced cultural and language gap between Mexicans and U.S in recent years. This implementation is increasing United States countries concern towards Mexico. And this could be a benefit of country over Indian BPO industry. Whistle country has higher manpower cost over India.
In recent years, the Philippines have proved a critical rival for Indian BPO industry. Philippines have large English speaking force of around 80 million, knowing the U.S working and social culture. But they cannot beat Indian skilled talent pool easily. IT-BPO, the call centre industry is now the fastest growing in the country and can prove a serious competition in India. Philippines are lacking on management and operational issues and not viewing the IT prospect as other nations do. The operating cost (Salaries, training etc.) is also cheaper. Taking this into consideration, IBM Daksh has opened its BPO in Philippines and now it is one of the top BPOs in the Philippines.
In M. Purwar (2010, pp-29)'s opinion Philippines business process outsourcing (BPO) industry is strong enough and revenue by the 2010 was approximately US$12.3 billion, along with one million job creation. They are dealing well in legal and medical transcription (because of good English speaking power) and accounting.
After continues technological advancement, Russia has become a threat for Chinese and Indian software BPO industry. The researcher tried to explore the importance of Russian BPO-IT industry by telling that RUSSOFT is the trade group of software outsource industry
of Russia. Eltschinger, Cyrill (2007) argued that Russia is renowned as third world's top offshore company of the World in terms of volume. It could get more outsource projects from American countries because of geographic favour and time zone proximity. Along with this Russian outsourcing provides cost effective quality services for that clients hire Russian resources. Russia could not compete India because of English speaking manpower.
South Africa:
South Africa has potential infrastructure for potential investors in the terms of; power, telecom and internet. This land produces 345,500 English speaking graduates per year. This quality places the country as the third highest English servicing BPO industry. They are also sufficient in German language speaking, it helps in call centres. South Africa is expected to have 1600 call centres by the end of 2011 along with will reach the target of 40,000 jobs by 2015. (
A favourable exchange rate is plus point for this market to compete with India. The government of South Africa has supported policies in the BPO industry and having English base education system are points, which make this land a good opportunity for the BPO industry. A very important driving force is a new Department of Trade and Industry motivational scheme, which takes over from the GAS programme in January 2011. Building success image of the country in the BPO world and 5-8 BPO providers are setting up their operations in South Africa.
Country |
Advantage over India |
Limitation |
Philippines |
Educated English workforce Understand the US culture Low attrition Low operating cost |
More expensive then India Low talent pool |
Canada, Ireland |
High end-skill Understand US market Culture similarity with Europe |
High costs |
South Africa |
Time zone similar to Europe Good for niche work 25% cost saving Favourable exchange rate |
Skill shortage |
China |
Fastest economic growth Low cost manpower |
Poor English speaking ability Poor software record Less stable political environment |
Russia |
Technical skills |
Poor infrastructure And language |
Mexico |
35% less than US cost Spanish speaking employees |
Only good for low end jobs High manpower cost Less mathematical skills |
The researcher concluded through books and articles that during 1980s outsourcing began in India. At that time Indian engineers and skilled employees got training in U.S. Those talented engineers pointed at top positions in European countries then moved towards BPOs. In 1990s India moved forward towards globalization and increase use of internet. Then in 1999 Indian BPO industry received a boost from looming doomsday event Y2K bug. After January 2000, billions of lines of code sent to India to correct this error. For many big companies it was the first experience to outsource to India. The loud increase of Information Technology and ITES is basic sectors that have driven the India into revolutionary change. During 1994 the Indian Telecom sector boosted up at high level, which flourished BPO industry in the country.
The researcher concluded that in the last few years India has passed through the winds of social, political and economical changes. India can be called advance child of globalization because of progressive economy. India has taken advancement in information technology
and BPO-IT sector along with telecom sector that boost up BPO industry in the country. Indian BPO sector offers different kind of services like Technical support, data processing, online web applications and telemarketing. The cheap labour costs, technically sound workforce, hire long hours workers, the pool of skilled, English-speaking Indians have always been the positive factors contributing to the BPO boom in the country. Another important and driving factor of Indian BPO industry is integrated human resources, the power of global Indian. Low tariff barriers are a great opportunity for India to expand BPO industry.
In the light of interview 1 conducted by one of employee researcher mentions that, it is true that outsourcing sector is booming but other side of industry cannot be ignored. On the other hand the Indian BPO industry is suffering through complex problem such as employee attrition, lack of good infrastructure and deficiency of protection laws. The attrition rate in India's BPO sector has increased to 55 per cent from last year 2010. Such high attrition rate is plaguing the BPO industry. (
Here the researcher mentions another severe challenge of shortage of skilled workers of Indian BPO industry. Job switching trend is growing in this industry and may work as incurable for the growth of industry. Philippines is going to leave behind India in the call centre industry but India consistently leading the overall outsourcing market throughout the world. India's BPO industry has increased its share to 56 per cent in 2011 whereas 50 percent share was last year.
India is cheaper as compared to other outsourcing service provider countries. Moreover intellectual prowess and its demographic advantage can sustain its top position in the outsource industry globally. To maintain its supremacy Indian workforce need to learn Spanish which is used in more than 24 countries. Whistle Indian manpower is already good in English language speaking.
Literature review mentions that outsourcing market is currently growing at a high speed due to the benefits that it offers, and Indian BPO industry has made a top position in this market. In the same perspective India has many attractive aspects for US companies so they open their offices and even start new business ventures. IBM has several reasons to choose India for opening their BPO unit but Indian Government support is one of major factor.
One of major reason is low manpower cost of Indian BPO industry. In India, people are willing to work at very low wages whereas wages are four times higher in the USA as compared to India, if low wages are given by the company than in same resources can hire more manpower and get effective results. They provide scientific benefits through improved efficiencies, lesser overhead, and benefit expenses along with more investments.
Mike (2009) explained that the India is in the process of providing education to their manpower including females. India has a vast pool of workers at low cost who are expert in English language. To achieve this purpose India produces thousands graduates annually. IBM chose India rather than China because Chinese workers have not enough knowledge about English language. Indian education system emphasis on mathematical and scientific education as well.
Interview 2 from IBM management told that one of best practice that proved fundamental for Daksh success in India is good HR and high quality control norms. They provided their workers with coaching and training development programs to get familiar with IBM's working culture. To retain the well trained employees is vital for survival for the company. Low business risk of Indian market is a factor that convinced IBM to open their BPO unit in India. When IBM viewed the feasibility report to know that lowest set up cost and flexibility of Indian markets, the business rick is the minimum here. Moreover Indian market has its own manufacturing and consumer market that is beneficial for IBM Daksh. IBM is approaching several Indian companies to enlarge its extraction into the Indian economy and is progressing very fast.
One of the most important reasons to choose India's BPO industry is their 24 hours working manpower. India offers 24x7 services and reduces turnaround time by doing this. India's geographic location is the actual reason for offering such services.Call centres/BPOs are developing their businesses because of this time zone difference. This time difference helps to better utilization of resources. IBM takes advantage of time zone difference and get tasks done 24 hours of day. Consequently this time zone difference also helps in sharing of resources, earning more revenues and hiring better expertise of Indians.
Any country prefers to invest in such country that's government support for foreign investment. Indian Government understands that IThas the potential to flourish the country and plays a major role in economic growth of country. Such favorable policies could make India as a hub of information technology.Government policies have proved very valuable in the growth of IT/BPO industry of India. Reduced licensing requirements for foreign investment have encouraged European countries to invest in BPO industry in India. This
favourable policy has flourished the IT-BPO industry in a bright way and IBM kept in mind before taking decision to invest in Indian BPO industry.
Through interview 2 with high management of IBM Dakshthe researcher came to know that Indian government investment policies highlighted the future of BPO industry. And it helped the higher management to take decision about open Daksh, outsourcing unit in India. NASSCOM has played a vital role in developing the IT industry to achieve the high level of targets and country has become a major player in BPO sector.
With the help of Indian government IBM BPO is investing a good amount of its revenue to train and give higher education to its staff and has collaboration with many Indian Universities and colleges for this purpose. The employee respondents mentioned that they have supported and encouraged the company for this new training system. Employee's adaptability is at a high rate. Now, the company has already started to reap the fruit of its strategy as it gets better, efficient and trained executives who are already familiar with the company's projects.
IBM Daksh, India's largest independent business process outsourcing (BPO) company, is investing US$5 million to expand operation in India.
Through interviewee 2 with high management of IBM Dakshthe researcher came to know that, IBM offers a matchless span and depth of domain expertise in computer machines and other support devices & services. And this could help us to joint ventures.
2001 |
2003 |
2004 |
2007 |
2010 |
Revenues (US$ million) |
2.33 |
29.12 |
60.1 |
67.78 |
75.00 |
No of Employees |
500 |
2,000 |
6,000 |
20,000 |
30,000 |
The respondents felt that there are certain reasons that IBM kept in mind before opening BPO in India. Cost cutting is one of major factor that incline IBM for Indian BPO industry. In this BPO environment company can provide innovative business process services to valuable clients. Because of providing successful services to valuable clients, IBM Daksh is generating 80 percent revenue through voice and web support services.
BPO mainly focuses on e-commerce, customer electronics and telecom industry. The operation of IBM Daksh was started in April 2004. For 2004-05 the company registered revenues were US$ 60, which is a 27 percent higher revenue growth of US$ 29.12 million in 2003. (
But as Indian economy, and the IT industry in particular, is facing transformational opportunities. IBM Daksh well handled this situation and become one of the world's foremost giant in IT. Idea about growth and scope of IBM Daksh can get through its partnershipwith iYogi, announced an agreement with IBM in April 2010. iYogi, is the fastest providers of comprehensive remote technical support globally. The management interviewee 2 told that this partnership will help them to support their striving growth with highly skilled and capable staff and it is quite healthy for company to build new service lines and offers for valuable customers. This agreement also explains the worth of IBM Daksh's technical Services delivery capabilities. Considerably, this partnership also initiates a new delivery module through which an Indian company is outsourcing the services to its US customers from India.
IBM Daksh has been awarded as the 2009 Contact Centre Outsourcing Service Provider of the Year in Asia Pacific by well-known consulting firm, Frost & Sullivan. It was consecutive fourth award for this BPO. It shows its leadership position and growth in the region.
Software has been foremost growth sector and high expectations by the last decade of Indian industry. BPOs role highlights that ITES-BPO sectors have contributed at large scale in Indians economic growth. Some areas are served by ITES-BPO industry is below.
Legal services are relatively at beginning stage that has momentous market growth potential to grow to US$7 billion by 2012. Pharmaceutical is also new sector having fast growth and participated US$17 billion in 2004 and could exceed by US$50 by end of current year 2011. ITES-BPO sector has offered a large number of employments to Indian people.
BPO operations consisted of 50 centres, while India keeps 10 of them. There is growing demand Indian BPO services within the Asia-Pacific. Outsourcing countries continue to invest in BPOs that deliver scalable, low cost, high quality and reliable services athwart their geographical presence. If we consider the GDP of Indian economy that Still growing for the period 1997-98 is US$ 4.8 billion, for 2006-07 is US$47.8 billion along with Current rate of growth: 28%. Also, the opening of new BPOs is bringing more job opportunities for the new generation. Below graph shows the GDP growth rate.
Source: compiled from NASSCOM McKinsey
A steady climb from 1.2% to 6.4% is seen in the contribution of BPOs to GDP. BPOs are trying to contribute towards more earnings to the country's economy and IP creation.At present, Indian BPOs are more concerned about domestic segments and off shoring. This industry isimproving in the area of training and development; skilled employees are learning foreign languages and enhancing with technology.
NASSCOM issued figures after having a tremendous growth of Indian BPO that country's BPO companies could achieve around US$50 billion revenues of up to by 2012, but to achieve this target industry will need greater investments and development in education and infrastructure sectors by the government, according to a new report released. If the estimated revenue will achieved then would employee two to four times more than the current number of employees said president of NASSCOM.
This study is written about business process outsourcing and its implementation in India. To meet the criteria this purpose researcher adopted case study methodology and used IBM Daksh case study. Findings are listed below:
IBM Daksh has shown remarkable growth. IBM Daksh's global was having a workforce of over 22,000 employees in 2006-07, whereas in 2006 BPO had 22 percent increments of workforce. IBM Daksh has more than 14 service delivery centres in India. Company generated $75 US million revenue last year. But big alarming sign is the attrition rates which are around 50% currently. This attrition may create hurdle in progress of BPO.
Business process outsourcing has proved as foremost for business and economic issues of current decade. Information technology is a vital field, and become necessary to align it strategically with business goals. Because of improved telecom infrastructure, well defined and organized BPO organizations are initiating. Because of the changing trends of modern business corporate executives need for more concentrating on high risk operations and strategy making rather than day-to-day process management responsibilities. Conventionally, higher management spend 80 percent of their time on day to day routine issues, and only 20 percent on strategy designing. In case of outsource non core functions, the ratio can be altered. Because of time saving executives more concentrate on valuable operations and focus on other projects.
Having acknowledged that businesses need to be more cost effective, and capture new efficiencies. Now a day's many large size organizations moving towards outsource their functions. To achieve cost effectiveness, better expertise and gain completive edge, they are participating outsourcing. To achieve strategic business goals, 24 hours services, low-cost workforce and having fast decision making business process outsourcing units have consulted with organizations of developed countries.
The overarching theme of this dissertation is to discuss the case study of IBM Daksh that is opened in Indian BPO industry. The whole purpose of the study was to investigate BPO industry globally and how Indian BPO system is leading. Why IBM chose India for open large BPO unit and its effects on the country's economy.
Outsourcing refers to the process of delegating non-core functions to an external resource or organization that can deal task in an effective manner. It was started in early eighteen.In fact BPO is the process of involving third party to get services at low cost. There are many reasons behind outsourcing. Some of them are cost cutting, improving efficiency; focus on core competencies, outside experts, skilled manpower, and 24 hours availability of employees for better efficiency. Every single U.S dollar invested in Indian BPO industry can return output of equal 10-13 U.S dollar. Due to information technology enhancement, working requirements are also changed. Large organizations of United States outsource in developing countries. Outsourcing encourages the organizations to concentrate on its core competencies.
Literature review and findings confirms that Indian outsourcing is beneficial in many ways for an organization; it becomes the organization more flexible in terms of culture and working hours, business risk may share with the use of BPOs. It helps organization to free up its cash flow. India has offered itself as the nest of this blooming industry and has welcomed American companies to station their BPO sectors here. Indian BPO industry is at the top due to many reasons: Most important is that India has numerous ways to reduce tariff barriers. Indian BPO companies have the unique capability of providing efficient business solution with low costs. Low cost of infrastructure is another strong reason for successful BPO companies of India. On the other side some American companies find it difficult to manage the offshore provider as compared to manage within the company and security issues can also raise.
Interviewee 3 has highlighted that India has taken advancement in information technology and BPO-IT sector along with telecom sector that boost up BPO industry in the country. The cheap labour costs, technically sound workforce, hire long hours workers, the pool of skilled, English-speaking Indians have always been the positive factors contributing to the BPO boom in the country. Strategic human resources and Indian global political condition is also favourable for this industry.
For understanding the United States outsourcing companies have discussed IBM, leading company of world. IBM also known as the International Business Machines headquartered in Armouk, USA was founded in the 1880s, is a big giant of USA. Interviewee 2 told that due to outsource their non-core functions they reduced cost and maintained a competitive edge in the market. They selected India for their BPO unit. They started IBM Dakshwhich was started in 2004 with a total strength of 6000 employees who now has the strength of more than 25,000 employees all over India. The BPO has been opened in India after analysing some strong factors. Some of them are Cost cutting, innovative IT business process services, improve operational efficiency and less work load on US offices are included. Now it has moved its attention towards the Tier 2 and Tier 3 cities to avail the comparatively lower costs and more human resource. One very powerful reason for the growth of IBM Daksh is the manpower of India. They know English language, can speak fluently. In 2004, the employees who worked in Daksh were just 6000 in comparison to 28,000 (approx) working today at the various newly opened Daksh facilities. Daksh also promises to hire 5000 more employees by the end of next year.
Literature review and interviewee 1 mentions that India is a large pool of manpower. Indian government policies are also favourable for the growth of BPO industry. India has many competitors of BPO industry but still leading this industry. One of big rival is a Philippine; its BPO industry is more expensive then India, having small talent pool and having highest literacy rates (94%) in the world. And China is deficient in English language. Russia has better technical skills but with poor infrastructure and language. Mexico is 30% cheaper than US but only good for low end jobs.
India BPO industry has affected country in many ways. This industry has played a tremendous role in Indian economy. IT sector is supported largely in economic growth of country. The growth in the contribution of BPOs towards gross domestic products has revealed a sound rise from 1.2% to 5.3%. More BPOs are bringing more jobs for youth of India. BPOs have played a significant role in the balance of payment. BPO industry also changed the lives of Indian youngsters. They try to follow the American life style and culture. Due to this industry earning, lower class families have converted to middle class. Most important factor is women independency and has indirectly affected the way the youth talk and think. The internet, easy availability of quality higher education and employment are positive results of Indian BPO industry.
Future of Indian BPO industry is sharp and figures explain that country's BPO companies could achieve around US$50 billion revenues of up to by 2012, which is positive sign. To maintain top position in this industry, India has to improve rural areas infrastructure, produce more engineers, and encourage their employees.
The particular aim of the study was to investigate IBM Daksh with respect to Indian business process outsourcing industry and how it impacts on Indian economy and culture. For this purpose it was necessary to familiar with changing business trend of developed countries and the reasons to delegate some of their business processes to outside the organization.
To attain the ultimate goal, interviews conducted with executives and employees of IBM Daksh. The time constraint was there so in depth research has not been conducted. An analysis of overall BPO industry is done and how it impacts on country and outsource organizations also discussed. The researcher presented statistical data in tabular and graphical way. In short researcher highlighted the importance of business process industry in the modern business world.
The study recommends few suggestions business process outsourcing industry. IBM is leading the organization of United States. Increasingly, large size organization should emphasis on strategy making rather than non-core functions of business systems.
Business process outsourcing (bpo) from usa to india. (2017, Jun 26).
Retrieved March 14, 2025 , from
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