Applying Problem Solving

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Running head: APPLYING PROBLEM SOLVING “Applying problem Solving” Critical Thinking/PHL251 University of Phoenix July 26, 2010 Applying Problem Solving-Problem Solver Successful problem solvers are individuals who are able to time after time recognize and make decision on the best judgment among multiple alternative. Their decisions are creative, rational, and justifiable based on their critical thinking skill via past experiences. Therefore, these individuals are provided with the acquire guidance and the necessary tools to develop into a resourceful, logical problem solver. They will investigate a well thought-out way to move toward and analysis for the best solution.

These problem solvers will learn to illuminate problems in terms of objectives and see the issues with a view toward most favorable outcome. These individuals are open-minded thinkers for communicating with other individuals to base their decision on. Being open-minded in the thinking process allows for the individual to evaluate all reasonable conclusions, and to consider the many viewpoints and perspectives of others during these processes. Being a problem solver allows individuals to accept new explanations to become important information was based off of facts and not emotions. Being a problem solver while using critical thinking skills allows the individual to not reject disliked views from others, but again to look at facts, and make decisions based off the problem solving process. When a decision needs to be made, these individuals will stop to think of the cost or any outcome before taking action to a resolution. And another problem solving process that one needs to learn is how to apply his or her advantage or discipline in communicating with others before basing a decision on the know facts.

These individuals will allow certain restriction to be applied before making a decision to avoid making judgments on an impulse. Problem solvers can make comprehensive decisions to avoid inducting personally thoughts as they are taught. These individuals will apply the method of critical thinking allows them to disassemble complex problems and to best understand the all the inputs, while providing suggestions using the thought processes to relay to others as needed.

The knowledge allows the problem solvers to develop positions on the issues that are logical and explainable to other individuals to provide favorable solution to all. After completing the critical thinking process, these individuals will understand why nearly all decisions are of unfortunate value and will be able to impose valuable controls on the decisions if these choices are not apply correctly. These processes are defined as by developing evidence to sustain such results. Understanding Applying Problem Solving An important part of applying problem solving is to calculate both short-term and long-term conclusion for each alternative. The problem solvers will find an alternative solution over a longer time period.

Everyone applies problem solving in their daily lives. For example: what to wear, what to eat and so on. It’s our nature to do so. But much of critical thinking process is based on non-biased, distorted, partial, uninformed, or downright narrow-minded opinions. Nevertheless, the quality of life and what is produced for building depends specifically on the value of problem solving thoughts. Poor thinking is costly to everyone while we are looking at money or the quality of lifestyle. Quality thinking will be methodically educated in producing a suitable conclusion. It’s important part of problem solving to predict both short-term and long-term outcomes for each option. This process will find an alternative will more desirable outcome for posing problems over a longer time period.

There are a few processes that will need to be done for applying a suitable solution to any problem. Analyze all situations carefully before making a decision * Converse these problem in an organized way with others * Forecast the consequences of these decisions * Evaluate alternatives solutions this process * Generate and categorize thoughts in applying a probably solution * Structure and apply a model for evaluating a solution * Design organized plans of action Steps to Applying Problem Solving Strategy Applying problem solving skills will raises vital questions and problems for put together a clear and precise solution by applying these steps. In doing so, these solutions will allow these problem solvers to gather and assess vital information effectively to come up with a well-rounded conclusion. These problem solvers provide alternative systems of thoughts for recognizing and assessing as needed. Their assumptions, suggestion, and sensible consequences are part of making these feasible decisions.

Communicates is key to providing a more valuable asset in dealing with others in figuring out a solutions to the problems. There are 5 Step to applying problem solving strategy. . Identify the problem – a first step to solving a problem is to identify them. It entails assess the present condition and determining how it varies from the original goals. 2. Examine the problem – examining the problem engages a learning process. It may be required to look beyond the understandable, exterior circumstances by broaden the imagination and reach for more resourceful alternatives. There are few ways to examine the problem more accurately. * Seek other viewpoints * Be bendable in the analysis process Think about various thread of risk * Come up with potential solutions and inferences * Examine problems for which are lacking vital information. 3. Put together potential solutions – recognize a broad range of potential solutions. * Try to consider of all potential solutions * Be resourceful * Consider comparable problems and how they can solved 4. Assess potential solutions – consider the rewards and drawbacks of each solution. Consider each solution and to achieve these goals. Consider the short-term and long-term outcomes. Record the solutions in stages. 5. Decide on a solution – look at all the facts. * Determine the priorities * Weigh the risks * Reduce unnecessary decisions Primary Keys to Problem Solving * Consider the solution – problem solving is a critical thinking process for a probably solution.

Sometime talking yourself will engage a problem solving process and can be useful in organizing these solutions. Sometime, they like to hear our own thoughts to allow us to assist these processes. * Permitting time for ideas will it to become more solvable. If time permitting, they will give time for solutions to develop.

Detachment from others will allow us to think clearly about new alternatives. * Meeting with others about the problem – sometime meeting with others can often other solutions to the problem at hand and become clearer so that a alter solution may surface. Decision Making Strategies Decision making is a process for recognizing and assessing options for any solution. The processes will make various conclusions and the decisions may range from various types of decisions which will reach a vital solution. These types of decisions can be spontaneous and rational. Decision making has much in common with problem solving for providing a pursuable solution. In problem solving, these individuals will categorize and assess solutions for making a comparable breakthrough and assessment for other alternatives.

There are many alternatives to any solution by providing critical thinking process as listed. * Judge all the conclusions for providing a produce, in both the short term and the long term. * Weigh against the alternatives based on the solutions. Assess and consider the risk of each solution. * Be original and creative with new ideas; don’t do away with other alternatives because these ideas have not heard or used them before. Conclusion In conclusion, problem solver is a way of an individual to provide a vital solution based on his or her conclusions in making the right choices for ensuring all schedules are made. To use and apply problem solving skills can overcome any obstacles. Problem solvers are by nature skeptical, and approach issues with an open-mined of other, while searching for the facts. These individuals are active in discovery a probable solution to any situation. Many solutions need to be analyzed and categorized with the information provided, and apply needed the critical thinking skills to assure their understanding of any matter at hand. To master problem solver it will enable individuals to recognize a wide range of information gathered, and to evaluate how well the information will meet the needs for a conclusion, while applying this information for making any decisions. References Consulting LLC, Authenticity (UNK). Problem Solving.

Available at https://managementhelp. org/prsn_prd/prob_slv. htm Harris, Robert (July 2, 1998). Introduction to Problem Solving. Available at https://www. virtualsalt. com/crebook3. htm Hall Inc. , Prentice (2007). Thinking: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Critical and Creative Thoughts 4e (Chapter 12). Available at https://ecampus. phoenix. edu/content/eBookLibrary2/content/eReader. aspx

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Applying Problem Solving. (2017, Sep 17). Retrieved October 22, 2024 , from

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