African Americans in World War 1

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In this research paper I will be informing you about African Americans in the military and how blacks in the military has changed over the years, and the different roles they have played in wars globally. I will start my research paper with 15 black military heroes through the years, I will give you information on each hero and what they did in the war they fought in. I will also give different examples and how they connect. Black soldiers in the US Military During the civil War, I will give you information on Fredrick Douglass and how the issues of the emancipation and military service intertwined of the civil war. African Americans in World War 1 and what African Americans did globally during that war time. The Tuskegee airman will also be in my research paper, the 54th Massachusetts infantry, and the Buffalo Soldiers.

Through the years there have been military hero's, Black Military Heroes have played big roles in US Military for decades, black in military were born to be leaders they have the ability to lead are great military. Crispus Attucks, the former slave was the first casualty of the American Revolutionary War when he was killed during the Boston Massacre. First black Minute Man Lemuel Hayes, he served as a minuteman during the American Revolutionary War, fighting at the April 1775 Battle of Lexington. He was an indentured servant who enlisted in the war after earning his freedom. The First Field Officer in the U.S Army, Maj, Martin Robison Delany; he was the first African-American field officer in the U.S army. He led the 52nd U.S colored troops regiment and became the first line officer in U.S Army history. He was accepted at Harvard Medical, but was kicked out. A Top Ranked black female Officer, Harriet M. Waddy, she was one of the highest ranked black officers in the women's army corps, in world war II. She said that joining the “segregated military” and accepting a situation which does not represent an ideal democracy” was not” a retreat for, our fight but our contribution to its realization. General Roscoe Robinson Jr became the first African-American four-star General in the US Army, he was a west point graduate.

There were three African American military divisions, the 54th Massachusetts Infantry, Buffalo Soldiers and Tuskegee Airman. Who are the 54th Massachusetts Infantry? One of the first black units to join the union forces in the Civil War. The company was largely composed of freed black slaves from northern states. The Battle at Wagner, during the battle, the unit captured a small section of the battery. The unit leader Col. Robert Gould Shaw was fatally wounded in the battle. Sgt William H. Carney risked his life to take the flag and lead his troops. He was severely wounded by two bullets during the battle but survived to become the first African American to be presented the Medal of Honor. The buffalo soldiers after the civil war, six segregated black regiments to serve in the peace-time army under white officers. They were stationed in the southwest and the Great Plains, where it was their responsibility to build forts and maintain order. They earned their nickname “Buffalo Soldiers” because of their dark skin. Participating in the battle of San Juan Hill, served under General, Benjamin O. Davis, Sr. The Tuskegee Airman by the beginning of the World War II, African Americans were increased pressure on the

government to make conditions more equal in 1941. In May 1943, the first group of Tuskegee Airman was sent to North Africa to join the allied forces. They were led by Capt. Benjamin Davis Jr, became the first African American Air Force general.

U.S Military during the Civil War, on July 17, 1862, congress passed the Militia Act Freeing slaves who had masters in the Confederate Army, two days later slavery was abolished. by the end of the civil war, 179,000 black men served as soldiers in the U.S army and another 19,000 served in the navy, 40,000 blacks died over the course of the war, 30,000 of infection or disease. Black soldiers served as artillery and infantry and performed all non-combat jobs. Black women who could not join the Army, served as nurses, spies and scouts. Black were paid 10$ per month but 3$ was deducted for clothing. In June 1864 Congress granted equal pay to the U.S. Colored Troops. Black soldiers received the same rations and supplies and medical care. President Lincoln issued general order 233, on Confederate prisoners of war for any mistreatment of black troops.

A History of black Military Advancement from Integration through Vietnam, historically black colleges ROTC programs produced more than 75 percent of African American officers through the Vietnam Era. Year 1967-1968 when blacks were dying in Vietnam at nearly twice the rate of their population. On June 1917 the first black officers training camp was opened at Fort Des Moines in Iowa. During most blacks were on the front line, most blacks volunteered for the army to get away from home or they were drafted. African Americans played a huge role in the Vietnam War, changed the army, they were well trained, in 1964 blacks represented less than 9 percent of all Armed Forces. Although the percentage of black officers doubled between 1964 and 1967, 25 percent of blacks were killed in action being on the front line.

Between Slavery and Freedom Virginia Blacks in the American revolution , the American Revolution was social and economic. In states such a Virginia focused on enslaved people, the war awakened white fears. Most black soldiers were scattered through the continental army in infantry regiments. Several all black units were command by white officers, enslaved blacks. In 1775 Virginias governor, Lord Dunmore established an all-black Ethiopian Regiment was created composed of runaway slaves, by promising them freedom he kept 800 slaves to escape from slave masters, whenever they could enslave blacks, continued to join him until he was defeated and was forced to leave Virginia in 1776. Most blacks fought on the patriot side, there were 900 black patriots, counting the Army and the Navy. Most black fought in the army to get away from slavery, they were put mostly on the frontline of the battle field

African American in war time line 1812-1815 War of 1812, black soldiers served as integrated regiment. Many black soldiers served with courage, both land and sea, 1814 free man of color was developed, the battle of New Orleans, free black soldiers constructed forts around the city to stop the invasion of the British invasion. Many of the soldiers in the free man of color units were refugees from Haiti and Santa Domingo. 50 blacks were killed during the battle, but the free man helped secure the battle. 1914-1938, on December 27, 1917 the 369th infantry regiment became the first all-black U.S. combat unit to shipped overseas during world war I. Because there was no official combat role at this time for America’s black Soldiers, Gen. John J. Pershing responded to France’s request for troops by assigning the 369th and the 93rd Division’s other regiment to the French army. On Jan. 13, 1941, the U.S. Army established the 78th Tank Battalion, the first black armor unit. The tankers reported to Fort Knox, Ky., to begin armored warfare training in March 1941. The 78th was on May 8, 1941, as the 758th Tank Battalion. 1950-1953 Korean war Black Soldiers now served in all combat service elements and were involved in all major combat operations, including the advance of United Nations Forces to the Chinese border.

African American Women in the Military, this article is in comparison with black women with women of different racial and ethnic backgrounds and black men in the U.S. military. Developmental analysis is used to examine historical trends and to hypothesize about the future of black women on active duty. The view of the fact of African American women significant since the representation of black women has increased more than six-fold over the last 15 years. Analysis results confirm previous findings that African-American women are the military at a faster pace than other racial and ethnic female groups in the United States; they are more concentrated in the Army than other branches of the military. They are more likely to be single parent in the military and men in comparison to other groups. 

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