Advanced Food Hygiene

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 Assignment A- Food safety management procedures (Compulsory) Candidate:. I am currently working in a busy hotel at the heart of a busy up market area. As part of my role I am responsible for the management and auditing of the kitchen, we have 6 permanent staff and 4 temporary who are seasonal workers. It is as part of these responsibilities that i have to ensure that all food safety management procedures are followed and when needed, up dated. This assignment is in three parts and is broken down to the following areas: The first describes the how procedures ensure effective compliance with currant legislation and codes of practice within our business. The second explains how these procedures have been established monitored and verified. The third is a critical analysis of when a food safety management procedure failed how corrective action was taken and communicated to ensure food safety in the future. The Food Hygiene (England) Regulations 2006 came into force in January 2006 and replace the 1995 regulations Food Safety and the Food safety temperature control regulations 1995. Due to the expansion of our hotel and the restaurant it became necessary to implement a full Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP) procedure in line with the currant regulations, we also follow the (EU) No 852/2004 Regulations on hygiene of foodstuffs. The main requirement of this states that you must be able to provide evidence of measures taken to ensure that the food you make and sell is safe to eat. It is a legal requirement that a food business operator must implement a food safety management system based on the Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP) principles. These Principles are as follows. Conduct a hazard analysis. 2. Determine the Critical Control Points (CCP) 3. Establish critical limits. 4. Establish a monitoring system for each CCP. 5. Establish corrective action to be taken when a CCP is breached. 6. Establish verification procedures to confirm that HACCP is working effectively. 7. Establish documentation and records concerning all procedures appropriate to these principles and their application. The regulations cover the general requirements for the design construction and operation of a food premises, it explains how food must be prepared safely with the minimum risk of cross contamination. It must allow for adequate cleaning and or disinfection. It explains that the size of the kitchen where possible and within building regulations should be at least one third the size of the dining room in order to allow a linear flow from delivery of goods to service of food. We have tried to follow this as much as the design of the building allows. Food premises are to be kept clean and maintained in good repair and condition, the design and layout of the rooms are to permit good hygiene practices, including protection against contamination between, during and fter operations, it explains in particular • Floors, Walls, Ceilings, Lighting, Ventilation, Kitchen Equipment, Washing Facilities, Food Washing, Was hand basin, Water Supply. - In order to comply with the law it is essential that we do not just follow one set of regulations; we need to look at other Acts and regulations in order to maintain a Safe working environment and be safe from prosecution. Whilst looking at the Food Hygiene (England) Regulations 2006 the following had to be taken into consideration.

The Prevention of damage by Pest Act, 1949, where it states that the occupier of any land or building is required to notify the local authority of any rodent infestation. This Act made me pay particular attention to a Pest Plan. I had to remind myself that this is a pre requisite to any HACCP plan. I also had to take into consideration The Health and Safety at Work, etc. Act, 1974, because as an employer we have a legal obligation to ensure, as far as reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare of employees. To protect non-employees and members of the public against risk to health and safety, arising from activities of persons at work. I took these all into consideration whilst preparing a written safety policy, this was important as our hotel employs more than 5 personnel and in order to avoid any prosecution should we fall foul of any complaint or subsequent investigation, the penalties for any such offence are clearly stated within The Food Hygiene (England) Regulations, 2006. A person guilty of an offence under these regulations shall be liable to: On summary conviction (at a magistrates’ court) to a maximum fine of 5,000. On conviction on indictment (at a crown court in front of a judge and jury) to imprisonment for up to 2 years and/or an unlimited fine. A person guilty of obstruction or knowingly misleading information on summary conviction can be fined up to 5,000 and/or imprisonment for up to three months. As well as the regulations explained it is important to understand, Regulation 10 of the Food Hygiene (England) Regulations, Defence of Due Diligence. To prove a due diligence defence, evidence must be documented. This evidence should include information on staff training, hazard analysis systems, temperature checks, cleaning schedules, hygiene audits, maintenance reports and pest contractor’s reports. As part of our strategy these records have been incorporated into the Hotels Food Safety Statement. We (the management team) looked at our policies and procedures before we could feasibly set out our stall. We started by carrying out our own internal audit of procedures but as this progressed we soon realised that an external audit of our policies and procedures may better serve our purpose. It also helped highlight the inadequacies of all staff and not just those in management roles. The results, we hoped would give us a platform on which to build our HACCP procedures. It is also important to understand the definitions of Monitoring and Verification. Monitoring. The planned observations and measurements of controls in order to confirm that the process is under control and that critical limits are not exceeded. Monitoring methods can include the monitoring of time/temperature, physical dimensions, organoleptic assessments (smell, touch, appearance, taste) visual inspections and checking of records are essential in order to: Confirm that expected standards/controls are achieved. • Identify problems, for example sources of contamination. • To minimize complaints. • Assist in the development of a food safety culture. • Encourage commitment and improve motivation of staff. Verification. The application of methods, procedures and tests in addition to the monitoring, to determine compliance with the HACCP plan, (including prerequisite programmes. )Part of verification is validation, obtaining evidence that elements of the HACCP plan are effective, for example what evidence has been obtained to prove a satisfactory temperature for cooking raw meat. Verification should involve auditing, random sampling, end-product testing and analysing complaints for types and trends are all verification techniques. The frequency of such verification should ensure confidence in the system. [9]Although all staff were trained to at least basis food handling it was reported that some staff had suffered from a certain amount of skill fade. All stock had been date checked and stacked for use upon arrival; this showed that our stock rotation policy of first in first was not a cause for concern. All food on site could be traced back to the named supplier through adequate record keeping; I felt that we could improve upon that in order to comply with article 18, Regulation (EC) No 178/2002 general principles of food law and procedures in matters of food safety. [10]COSHH procedures were in place at least 1 member of staff was qualified and was responsible for all COSHH related matters, this could have proved to be a problem as the Hotel worked on a shift rotation pattern and it is against employment law to employ someone 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. There was a Recordable Cleaning Schedule. Potential hazards were identified and evaluated in terms of likelihood it also helped establish, control and monitor our food safety procedures: a copy of the findings is below

 Critical limits were established for each CCP, for instance a critical limit may be the length of time cooked in order to eliminate or minimise the hazard caused. The table clearly lays out each Step, hazard control and monitoring technique. The checking of temperatures is carried out with the use of an electronic probe that should be maintained on a regular basis, it is also important to establish adequate training and supervision on such equipment. If critical limits were not met all foodstuffs involved with that process should be discarded. A verification system was up dated in order to ensure that the HACCP procedures were met. It set out responsibilities and duties. Examples:- To monitor records in order to ensure they are completed correctly Management. Observe monitoring activities to ensure that correct procedure is being followed Management. Ensure all monitoring equipment is calibrated, i. e. Thermometers, probes, etc. Management. Whilst carrying out the verification list it became apparent that these steps would require the HACCP plan to be followed to the letter and therefore periodic reviews of the HACCP plan need to be carried out. Once all of the paperwork was in place it became important to the running of the business that all documentation be completed fully and expeditiously as records may be needed for enforcement officers and or external auditors, they also support the due diligence defence. As part of the managerial structure I was called upon to investigate an incident where a customer had complained that a short while after she had eaten a meal containing chicken she had fallen ill. After speaking to the Head Chef and other staff on duty that evening it became apparent through statements that the correct procedure for temperature reading had not been followed resulting in the chicken breast being undercooked, Thankfully the lady took the matter no further and accepted an apology and a free long weekend at the Hotel. However the mistake had been made and had to be followed up, a review of the procedures was needed in order to bring the incident to a satisfactory conclusion for all concerned. As previously stated it was found that certain procedures were not being carried out, namely temperature checking the cooked meat with the probes. The Head Chef explained that the he and his kitchen staff followed The ‘Cook Safe’ Manual. I felt that this was the chefs attempt to mislead me as I recalled a chapter about temperature control within this manual, however in order to confirm my suspicions I felt that the matter should be investigated further. I decided to direct the Chef to the Chapter stating how probes should be used, tested and calibrated and how the temperature of food should be recorded. It was also pointed out that as Head Chef he should not need to refer to literature and that these temperatures are also an integral part of the HACCP plan. I then looked at a period retraining and refreshing for the staff, through training and supervision we needed to meet the legal requirements and maintain our reputation Documented Procedure, and where appropriate records were required to be introduced in relation to: • Food safety Hazards occurring in the work place • Critical Control Points. • Control resources at Critical control Point. • Corrective action at Critical Control point. • Verification procedures • Review of Food safety Management Procedures. Although all of the above are already in place it was my responsibility as management to ensure that these points were formally pursued and as a result the following recommendations were made: • Training on temperature control was undertaken • Temperature readings were carried out correctly • Temperature readings were correctly documented • A review of all procedures to be implemented to avoid this incident from re occurring. Temperature control, at the time of the alleged incident it was noted that food safety hazards associated with inadequate temperature control had been identified. As a result it was found that a temporary member of staff was unaware that a temperature probe was to be used before the food was served but before then, the temperature should have been recorded to ascertain that the chicken was cooked correctly. The Chef also took some blame as he stated ‘normally they take my word for it that food is cooked’. It was also found that some skill fade had occurred on behalf of the kitchen staff and management. As a result of the findings a period of retraining and revision was undertaken by all of the Kitchen staff and management, a competency register was put together and is now used on a regular basis. This has helped with our Safe Food System. These systems has been explained to all new staff as part of the induction package and snap checks are carried out to help prevent any further incidents occurring, it also works in conjunction with the HACCP plan. We place great importance on communication between all staff members and customers and work tirelessly to discuss good working practices. We have purchased signage and adapted our induction training to allow more time to fully understand the Food Safety Management Procedures, we have also recognised the training needs of all staff including those with special or individual learning needs, we have also had to recognise migrant workers and in doing so have adapted our training and support policy. Within the Hotel I operate an open door policy in order to minimise or eliminate any unsafe practices. (EU)N0 852/2004 Regulations on Hygiene of foodstuffs. Regulation(EC) No 852/2004 on the hygiene of foodstuffs, Article 5. Hygiene for Managers, Richard A. Sprenger, Highfield. co. uk Limited, 13th Edition 2007, Page 287 Para, 1 [4] Regulation (EC) No 852/2004 on the hygiene of foodstuffs Annex 2, Chapter 1. (General hygiene requirements). Regulation (EC) No 852/2004 on the hygiene of foodstuffs Annex 2, (General hygiene requirements) Chapter 2. (Specific requirements in rooms where foodstuffs are prepared, treated or processed) The Prevention of Damage by Pests Act, 1949 The Health and Safety at Work, etc, Act, 1974 The Food Hygiene (England) Regulations,2006, Part 3, Regulation 17. [9] Regulation (EC)No. 852/2004 on the hygiene of foodstuffs, Chapter XII, Training 10] The control of Substances Hazardous to health Regulations,1999

A Description of how food safety management procedures ensure effective compliance with current legislation and codes of practice in your catering business. An explanation of how you, as a manager in your catering business, can establish, monitor and verify food safety management procedures. A critical analysis of an incident when food safety management procedures failed – including details of the corrective actions taken and an explanation of how these were communicated to ensure food safety in the future. 


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Advanced Food Hygiene. (2017, Sep 22). Retrieved March 18, 2025 , from

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