The Century Quilt Meaning Analysis

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Composed by Marilyn Waniek, "The Century Quilt" portrays the significance of legacy in the storyteller's life. Utilizing symbolism, tone, and design, Waniek adequately delineates the significance of her blanket. The blanket addresses her family's legacy as well as her future legacy. Waniek's phrasing makes a nostalgic tone: "I recalled how I'd wanted to acquire that cover" (Lines 9-10) and "my sister and I were enamored with Meema's Indian cover" (lines 1-2). Her assertion decisions "recalled" and "were infatuated," Waniek stresses a nostalgic memory. Waniek's style permits the peruser to remember the memory through the speaker's viewpoint. The speaker portrays how she recollected "play[ing] in its folds and be clan leaders and princesses" (11-12).

She utilizes these lines to show how the blanket addressed her young and fiery days with her sister. Through the illustrative utilization of tones, Waniek makes a distinctive image of the blanket: "Six Van Dyke brown, squares, two white, and one square yellow of Meema's cheek" (lines 15-17). The shadings "brown, white, and yellow brown" depicts the presence of the blanket as well as have a more profound significance. The tones portray the shade of her predecessor's skin, not simply the real blanket. These rehashing examples of squares in all likelihood give proper respect to the speaker's blended legacy, with her family being of both Native American and Caucasian plummet. The speaker's legacy is upheld by her dreams of her grandma's adolescence back in Kentucky "among her yellow sisters; their granddad's white family" (Lines 25-26).

While one could contend that the speaker is basically discussing the existence of her grandma, it can likewise be said that the speaker is hopeful about her own future, and that she, at the end of the day, would remember her recollections while under the blanket, for example, meeting her unconceived child. The speaker's craving to have a similar passionate reaction to her blanket as her grandma to her sweeping means the significance Waniek puts on imagery. In addition to the fact that Waniek uses symbolism to accentuate the nostalgic tone, yet she likewise viably does as such by utilizing a sequential construction.

Waniek sequentially starts with the existence of the speaker's grandma, following the speakers present to ultimately finishing with speaker's conceivable future. Through the utilization of time, Waniek inventively structures her sonnet "The Century Quilt." She has tracked down her own cover and it will currently turn into her own recollections of her past family as well as the recollections that her future kids will treasure for the remainder of their lives. The sweeping turns into a connection between her past families and her future ones

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The Century Quilt Meaning Analysis. (2021, Jun 30). Retrieved October 22, 2024 , from

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