The Cabinet and Legislative of Malaysia

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The Cabinet Definition of Cabinet A Cabinet is a body of high ranking members of the government, typically representing the executive branch. It can also sometimes be referred to as the Council of Ministers, an Executive Council, or Executive Committee. First Malaysia Cabinet The first cabinet of Malaysia traces its history back to 1955, it was formed to save temporarily before Malaya’s independence in 1957. The Cabinet Board 1955 Portfolio| Name| Chief Minister| Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra| Education| Tun Abdul Razak Hussein| Natural Resources| Tun Dr Ismail Datuk Abdul Rahman| Transport| Tun Henry Lee Hau Shik| Health and Social Welfare| Tun Leong Yew Koh| Posts and Telecoms| Tun Omar Yoke Lin Ong| Labour| Tun V. T. Sambanthan| Works| Tan Sri Haji Sardon Jubir| Housing, Local Government and Town Planning | Datuk Suleiman Abdul Rahman| Agriculture and Cooperative| Abdul Aziz Ishak| Following the independence of Malaya in 1957, a new and independent cabinet was formed with additional positions added. The Cabinet Board 1957 Portfolio| Office Bearer| Minister, Defence, Foreign Affairs| Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra| Deputy Prime Minister, Defence| Tun Abdul Razak Hussein| Agriculture and Cooperative| Abdul Aziz Ishak| Security/ External affair| Tun Dr Ismail Datuk Abdul Rahman| Finance| Tun Henry Lee Hau Shik| Labour and Social Welfare| Tun Omar Yoke Lin Ong| Health| Tun V. T. Sambanthan| Works, Posts and Telecoms| Tan Sri Haji Sardon Jubir| Natural Resources and Local Government | Datuk Suleiman Datuk Abdul Rahman| Transport| Abdul Rahman Talib| Justice| Tun Leong Yew Koh| Education| Tan Sri Mohamad Khir Johari| Trade and Industry| Tun Tan Siew Sin| The Latest Cabinet Board 2008 – 2010 The Barisan Nasional coalition won the general elections to the 12th Malaysian Parliament on March 8, 2008 and formed the government. Following Abdullah Ahmad Badawi’s resignation as Prime Minister, a new Cabinet was announced by new coalition leader, Najib Tun Razak, on April 9, 2009 and were sworn in on April 10, 2009. Najib reshuffled his Cabinet on June 1, gress, swapping two ministers.

The 3 main Parties of Barisan Nasional are * United Malays National Organisation (UMNO) * Malaysian Chinese Association (MCA) * Malaysian Indian Congress (MIC) Members Of Cabinet – Ministers Y. A. B. DATO’ SRI MOHD. NAJIB BIN TUN HAJI ABDUL RAZAK PRIME MINISTER, MINISTER OF FINANCE Y. A. B. TAN SRI DATO’ HAJI MUHYIDDIN BIN MOHD. YASSIN DEPUTY PRIME MINISTER, MINISTER OF EDUCATION Y. B. SENATOR TAN SRI DR. KOH TSU KOON MINISTER IN THE PRIME MINISTER’S DEPARTMENT Y. B. TAN SRI BERNARD GILUK DOMPOK MINISTER OF PLANTATION INDUSTRIES AND COMMODITIES Y. B. DATO’ SERI MOHAMED NAZRI BIN ABDUL AZIZ MINISTER IN THE PRIME MINISTER’S DEPARTMENT Y. B. DATO’ SERI HISHAMMUDDIN BIN TUN HUSSEIN MINISTER OF HOME AFFAIRS Y. B. DATO’ SERI UTAMA DR. RAIS YATIM MINISTER OF INFORMATION, COMMUNICATION AND CULTURE Y. B. TAN SRI NOR MOHAMED BIN YAKCOP MINISTER IN THE PRIME MINISTER’S DEPARTMENT Y. B. DATUK PETER CHIN FAH KUI MINISTER OF ENERGY, GREEN TECHNOLOGY AND WATER Y. B. DATO’ SERI HJ. MOHD SHAFIE BIN HAJI APDAL MINISTER OF RURAL AND REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT Y. B. DATO’ SERI MOHAMED KHALED BIN NORDIN MINISTER OF HIGHER EDUCATION Y. B. DATO’ SRI MUSTAPA BIN MOHAMED MINISTER OF INTERNATIONAL TRADE AND INDUSTRY Y. B. DATUK SERI DR. MAXIMUS JOHNITY ONGKILI MINISTER OF SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND INNOVATION Y. B. DATO SRI DOUGLAS UGGAH EMBAS MINISTER OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND ENVIRONMENT Y. B. DATO’ SRI DR NG YEN YEN MINISTER OF TOURISM Y. B. DATUK SERI HAJI NOH BIN OMAR MINISTER OF AGRICULTURE AND AGRO-BASED INDUSTRY Y. B. DATO’ SERI DR. AHMAD ZAHID BIN HAMIDI MINISTER OF DEFENCE Y. B. DATO’ SHAZIMAN BIN ABU MANSOR MINISTER OF WORKS Y. B. DATO’ SRI LIOW TIONG LAI MINISTER OF HEALTH Y. B. DATO’ AHMAD SHABERY CHEEK MINISTER OF YOUTH AND SPORTS Y. B. DATUK DR. S. SUBRAMANIAM MINISTER OF HUMAN RESOURCES Y. B. DATO’ SRI ISMAIL SABRI BIN YAAKOB MINISTER OF DOMESTIC TRADE, COOPERATIVE AND CONSUMERISME Y. B. DATO’ SERI HAJI AHMAD HUSNI BIN MOHAMAD HANADZLAH MINISTER OF FINANCE (II) Y. B. DATO’ SERI KONG CHO HA MINISTER OF TRANSPORT Y. B. SENATOR DATO’ SERI SHAHRIZAT ABDUL JALIL MINISTER OF WOMEN, FAMILY AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Y. B. DATO’ SRI ANIFAH BIN HJ. AMAN MINISTER OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Y. B. SENATOR DATO’ RAJA NONG CHIK BIN DATO’ RAJA ZAINAL ABIDIN MINISTER OF FEDERAL TERRITORIES AND URBAN WELLBEING Y. B. SENATOR MEJAR JENERAL DATO’ SERI JAMIL KHIR BIN BAHAROM MINISTER IN THE PRIME MINISTER’S DEPARTMENT Y. B. SENATOR DATO’ SRI IDRIS JALA MINISTER IN THE PRIME MINISTER’S OFFICE Y. B. DATO’ WIRA CHOR CHEE HEUNG MINISTER OF HOUSING AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT Summary of Cabinet Board Portfolio| Office Bearer| Party| Prime Minister of Malaysia Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia| Najib Tun Razak Muhyiddin Yassin| UMNO UMNO| Ministers in the Prime Minister’s Department National Unity and Performance Management Law and Parliament Economic Planning Unit (EPU) Islamic Affairs Performance Management and Delivery Unit (Pemandu) CEO| Koh Tsu Koon (Senator) Nazri Aziz Nor Mohamed Yakcop Jamil Khir Baharom (Senator) Idris Jala (Senator)| GERAKAN UMNO UMNO UMNO Independent| Minister of Finance Minister of Finance II| Najib Tun Razak Ahmad Husni Hanadzlah| UMNO UMNO| Minister of Education| Muhyiddin Yassin| UMNO| Minister of Transport| Kong Cho Ha| MCA| Minister of Plantation Industries and Commodities| Bernard Dompok| UPKO| Minister of Home Affairs| Hishammuddin Tun Hussein| UMNO| Minister of Information, Communications and Culture| Rais Yatim| UMNO| Minister of Energy, Green Technology and Water| Peter Chin Fah Kui| SUPP| Minister of Rural and Regional Development| Mohd Shafie Apdal| UMNO| Minister of Higher Education| Mohamed Khaled Nordin| UMNO| Minister of International Trade and Industry| Mustapa Mohamed| UMNO| Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation| Maximus Ongkili| PBS| Minister of Natural Resources and Environment| Douglas Uggah Embas| PBB| Minister of Tourism| Ng Yen Yen| MCA| Minister of Agriculture and Agro-based Industry| Noh Omar| UMNO| Minister of Defence| Ahmad Zahid Hamidi| UMNO| Minister of Works| Shaziman Abu Mansor| UMNO| Minister of Health| Liow Tiong Lai| MCA| Minister of Youth and Sports| Ahmad Shabery Cheek| UMNO| Minister of Human Resources| Subramaniam Sathasivam| MIC| Minister of Domestic Trade, Co-operatives and Consumerism| Ismail Sabri Yaakob| UMNO| Minister of Housing and Local Government| Chor Chee Heung| MCA| Minister of Women, Family and Community Development| Shahrizat Abdul Jalil (Senator)| UMNO| Minister of Foreign Affairs| Anifah Aman| UMNO| Minister of the Federal Territories and Urban Well-being| Raja Nong Chik Zainal Abidin (Senator)| UMNO| Cabinet of Malaysia is the executive branch of Malaysia’s Government which led by the Prime Minister. The cabinet is a council of members of ministers who are accountable collectively to the parliament according to the Article 43 of the Constitution, members of cabinet can only be selected from members of either houses of Parliament. Yang di-Pertuan Agong Appoints all Ministers on the advice of the Prime Minister. Members of Cabinet shall not be a member of state legislative assembly, a cabinet member shall resign from the Assembly before exercising the functions of his office. Ministers other than the Prime Minister shall hold office during the pleasure of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong, unless the appointment of any Minister shall have been revoked by the Yang di-Pertuan Agong on the advice of the Prime Minister but any Minister may resign his office. Cabinet Appointments By convention, members of the Cabinet are typically appointed from the lower house of Parliament, the Dewan Rakyat.

Although Deputy Ministers may be appointed to each portfolio, they are not included in the Cabinet. The Cabinet used to meet weekly every Wednesday, but after the position of Parliamentary Secretary was removed and partial live telecast of Parliament proceedings began in 2008, the meetings were moved to Fridays whenever Parliament sat, to allow Ministers to personally answer questions during Question Time in Parliament Cabinet Composition The composition of Cabinet and the number of portfolios depends mainly on the wishes of the Prime Minister at the time. The Post of Finance Minister was one of the important most and so important as to be a necessity.

The Deputy Prime Minister is one that exists by convention, and a Prime Minister could theoretically form a Cabinet without a Deputy. Deputy Ministers exist although they are not considered members of the Cabinet. None Parliamentary Secretary were appointed after 2008 Malaysia General Election. Deputy Ministers and Parliamentary Secretaries are also appointed from members of Parliament. Political Secretary exists and need not be members of Parliament.

Members of Cabinet – Deputy Ministers Portfolio| Office Bearer| DEPUTY MINISTER OF NATURAL RESOURCE AND ENVIRONMENT| Y. B. TAN SRI DATUK SERI PANGLIMA JOSEPH KURUP| DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE PRIME MINISTER’S DEPARTMENT| Y. B. DATUK LIEW VUI KEONG| DEPUTY MINISTER OF DEFENCE| Y. B. DATUK DR. HAJI ABDUL LATIFF BIN AHMAD| DEPUTY MINISTER OF INFORMATION, COMMUNICATION AND CULTURE| Y. B. DATO’ JOSEPH SALANG ANAK GANDUM| DEPUTY MINISTER OF RURAL AND REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT| Y. B. DATUK JOSEPH ENTULU ANAK BELAUN| DEPUTY MINISTER OF AGRICULTURE AND AGRO-BASED INDUSTRY| Y. B. DATO’ MOHD. JOHARI BIN BAHARUM| DEPUTY MINISTER OF HOME AFFAIRS| Y. B. DATUK WIRA ABU SEMAN BIN HAJI YUSOP| DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE PRIME MINISTER’S DEPARTMENT| Y. B. SENATOR DATO’ DR. MASHITAH BINTI IBRAHIM| DEPUTY MINISTER OF WORKS| Y. B. DATO’ YONG KHOON SENG| DEPUTY MINISTER OF DOMESTIC TRADE, COOPERATIVE AND CONSUMERISME| Y. B. DATUK HAJJAH ROHANI BINTI ABDUL KARIM| DEPUTY MINISTER OF ENERGY, GREEN TECHNOLOGY AND WATER| Y. B. PUAN NORIAH BINTI KASNON| DEPUTY MINISTER OF INTERNATIONAL TRADE AND INDUSTRY| Y. B. DATO’ JACOB DUNGAU SAGAN | DEPUTY MINISTER OF EDUCATION| Y. B. DATUK IR. DR. WEE KA SIONG| DEPUTY MINISTER OF TRANSPORT| Y. B. TUAN JELAING ANAK MERSAT| DEPUTY MINISTER OF SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND INNOVATION| Y. B. TUAN HJ. FADILLAH BIN YUSOF | DEPUTY MINISTER OF FEDERAL TERRITORIES AND URBAN WELLBEING| Y. B. DATUK SARAVANAN A/L MURUGAN | DEPUTY MINISTER OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS| Y. B. SENATOR TUAN A. KOHILAN PILLAY A/L G. APPU| DEPUTY MINISTER OF HIGHER EDUCATION| Y. B. DR. HOU KOK CHUNG | DEPUTY MINISTER OF PLANTATION INDUSTRIES AND COMMODITIES| Y. B. DATO’ HAMZAH BIN ZAINUDIN | DEPUTY MINISTER OF HUMAN RESOURCES| Y. B. SENATOR DATO’ MAZNAH BINTI MAZLAN| DEPUTY MINISTER OF HOUSING AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT| Y. B. DATUK SERI PANGLIMA HAJI LAJIM BIN HAJI UKIN| DEPUTY MINISTER OF FINANCE| Y. B. SENATOR DATUK DR. AWANG ADEK HUSSEIN| DEPUTY MINISTER OF WOMEN, FAMILY AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT| Y. B. SENATOR PUAN HENG SEAI KIE | DEPUTY MINISTER OF HEALTH| Y. B. DATUK ROSNAH BT. HAJI ABDUL RASHID SHIRLIN| DEPUTY MINISTER OF YOUTH AND SPORTS| Y. B. SENATOR TUAN GAN PING SHOU @ GAN PING SIEU| DEPUTY MINISTER OF TOURISM| Y. B. DATO’ DR. JAMES DAWOS MAMIT| List of Ministry and Role Ministry| Role| Finance| Helps to form the government budget, stimulate economy, and control finances. | Education| Responsible for Malaysian educational matters| Plantation Industries And Commodities| Formulate policies and strategies for development of plantation and commodity. Home Affairs| Security governance in state administer to ensure the security and public welfare| Information, Communication and Culture| Combines the three previous ‘Ministry of Information’, ‘Ministry of Energy, Water and Communications’ and ‘Ministry of Unity, Cultures, Arts and Heritage’| Green Technology and Water| Improves Power Sector, Building Sector, Water Sector and Handling Time, Transport Sector| Higher Education| Encourage the growth of premier knowledge center and individuals who are competent, innovative with high moral values to meet national and international needs| Science Technology and Innovation| To ensure knowledge generation, wealth creation and societal well being| Agriculture and Agro-based Industry| Transformational leader Agriculture| Defense| Strengthening the management of strategic importance to national defense, national sovereignty and integrity secure. Health| Protecting and promoting public health and providing welfare and other social security services| Transport| Develop efficient, safe and effective transport systems and services| The legislative The legislative body is to draw up, amend and pass laws. It exists in both federal and state level. The delegated legislation is embodied in the Constitution permits the Cabinet to draw up and pass the laws on behalf of the Parliament . It consist of Yang di-Pertuan Agong and two assemblies of Parliament which is the House of Representative (HOR) and Senate. Yang di-Pertuan Agong does not involve in making the laws but the House of Representative and the Senate. The process of making laws is carried out with a great care.

Composition and Power House of Representative consist of 222 member of Parliament elected based on the population in general election (which held every 5 years or Parliament is dissolve by YDPA with Prime minister advice). When a member dies or been disqualified or even resign a by-election will be held in order to choose another suitable member but if the tenure general election is less than two year then the place will be left empty until then. Seats from each party| No. | National Front | 137| United Malays National Organization (UMNO)| 78| Malaysian Chinese Association (MCA)| 15| Malaysian Indian Congress (MIC)| 4| Malaysian People’s Movement Party | 2| United Traditional Bumiputera Party (PBB)| 14| Sarawak United People’s Party ( SUPP)| 5| Sarawak Progressive Democratic Party ( SPDP)| 4| Sarawak People’s Party ( PRS)| 6| United Pasokmomogun Kadazandusun Murut Organisation(UPKO)| 4| United Sabah Party (PBS)| 3| United Sabah People’s Party (PBRS)| 1| Liberal Democratic Party (LDP)| 1| People’s Progressive Party (PPP)| 0| People’s Pact (Pakatan Rakyat)| 76| People’s Justice Party (PKR)| 24| Islamic Party of Malaysia (PAS)| 23| Democratic Action Party (DAP)| 29| Socialist Party of Malaysia (PSM)| 1| Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP)| 2| Non-partisans/independents (and others)(1) Konsensus Bebas (Free Consensus)| 6| Vacant| 0| Overall total| 222| The list of Members Bil. |  Name| 1| Ab Aziz bin Ab Kadir, Y. B. Tuan Haji| 2| Ab. Halim bin Ab. Rahman, Y. B. Dato’ Haji| 3| Abd Khalid bin Ibrahim , Y. B. Tan Sri Dato’ Seri| 4| Abd. Hadi bin Awang, Y. B. Dato’ Seri Haji| 5| Abd. Rahman bin Bakri, Y. B. Datuk| 6| Abdul Ghapur bin Salleh, Y. B. Datuk Seri Panglima Haji| 7| Abdul Latif bin Ahmad, Y. B. Datuk Dr. Haji| 8| Abdul Manan bin Ismail, Y. B. Dato’ Haji| 9| Abdul Rahim bin Bakri, Y. B. Datuk Haji| 10| Abdul Rahman bin Haji Dahlan, Y. B. Dato’ Haji| 11| Abdul Wahab bin Haji Dolah, Y. B. Datuk Haji| 12| Abdullah bin Haji Ahmad Badawi, Y. B. Tun Haji| 3| Abdullah bin Md Zin, Y. B. Dato’ Seri Dr. | 14| Abdullah Sani bin Abdul Hamid, Y. B. Tuan| 15| Abu Bakar bin Taib, Y. B. Dato’ Paduka| 16| Abu Seman bin Haji Yusop, Y. B. Datuk Wira| 17| Ago Anak Dagang, Y. B. Datuk| 18| Ahmad bin Haji Hamzah, Y. B. Datuk Wira Haji| 19| Ahmad bin Haji Maslan, Y. B. Datuk Haji| 20| Ahmad bin Kasim, Y. B. Tuan Haji| 21| Ahmad Husni bin Mohamad Hanadzlah, Y. B. Dato’ Seri| 22| Ahmad Lai bin Bujang, Y. B. Tuan Haji| 23| Ahmad Shabery bin Cheek, Y. B. Dato’| 24| Ahmad Zahid bin Hamidi, Y. B. Dato’ Seri Dr. | 25| Alexander Nanta Linggi, Y. B. Datuk| 26| Amran bin Ab Ghani, Y. B. Tuan| 27| Anifah bin Haji Aman @ Haniff Amman, Y. B. Dato’ Sri| 28| Anwar bin Ibrahim, Y. B. Dato’ Seri| 29| Azalina Dato’ Othman Said, Y. B. Dato’ Sri| 30| Azan bin Ismail, Y. B. Tuan| 31| Azmi bin Khalid, Y. B. Dato’ Seri Haji| 32| Baharum bin Haji Mohamed, Y. B. Datuk Haji| 33| Bernard Giluk Dompok, Y. B. Tan Sri| 34| Billy Abit Joo, Y. B. Datuk| 35| Bung Moktar bin Radin, Y. B. Datuk| 36| Charles Anthony a/l R. Santiago, Y. B. Tuan| 37| Che Rosli bin Che Mat, Y. B. Dr. | 38| Che Uda bin Che Nik, Y. B. Tuan| 39| Chong Chieng Jen, Y. B. Tuan| 40| Chong Eng, Y. B. Puan| 41| Chor Chee Heung, Y. B. Dato’ Wira| 42| Chow Kon Yeow, Y. B. Tuan| 43| Chua Soon Bui, Y. B. Datuk| 44| Chua Tee Yong, Y. B. Tuan| 5| Chua Tian Chang, Y. B. Tuan| 46| Devamany a/l S. Krishnasamy, Y. B. Dato’| 47| Ding Kuong Hiing, Y. B. Tuan| 48| Douglas Uggah Embas, Y. B. Dato’ Sri| 49| Dzulkefly Ahmad, Y. B. Dr. Haji| 50| Edmund Chong Ket Wah @ Chong Ket Fah, Y. B. Datuk Ir. | 51| Enchin bin Majimbun @ Eric, Y. B. Datuk| 52| Er Teck Hwa, Y. B. Tuan| 53| Fadillah bin Haji Yusof, Y. B. Tuan Haji| 54| Fong Chan Onn, Y. B. Tan Sri Datuk Seri Dr. | 55| Fong Kui Lun, Y. B. Tuan| 56| Fong Po Kuan, Y. B. Puan| 57| Fuziah binti Salleh, Y. B. Puan Hajah| 58| Gobalakrishnan a/l Nagapan, Y. B. Tuan| 59| Gobind Singh Deo, Y. B. Tuan| 60| Gwo-Burne Loh, Y. B. Tuan| 61| Halimah binti Mohd Sadique, Y. B. Datuk| 62| Hamim bin Samuri, Y. B. Tuan Ir. Haji| 63| Hamzah Zainudin, Y. B. Datuk| 64| Hasan bin Malek, Y. B. Dato’ Haji| 65| Hasbi bin Habibollah, Y. B. Tuan Haji| 66| Hee Loy Sian, Y. B. Tuan| 67| Henry Sum Agong, Y. B. Dato’| 68| Hiew King Cheu, Y. B. Tuan Dr. | 69| Hishammuddin bin Tun Hussein, Y. B. Dato’ Seri| 70| Hou Kok Chung, Y. B. Dr. | 71| Ibrahim Ali, Y. B. Dato’| 72| Idris bin Haji Haron, Y. B. Datuk Ir. Haji| 73| Ismail bin Haji Abd Muttalib, Y. B. Dato’ Haji| 74| Ismail bin Haji Mohamed Said, Y. B. Dato’ Haji| 75| Ismail bin Kasim, Y. B. Dato’| 76| Ismail Sabri bin Yaakob, Y. B. Dato’ Sri| 77| Jacob Dungau Sagan, Y. B. Dato’| 8| Jamaludin bin Dato’ Mohd Jarjis, Y. B. Datuk Seri Dr. Haji| 79| James Dawos Mamit, Y. B. Dato’ Dr. | 80| Jelaing Anak Mersat, Y. B. Tuan| 81| Johari bin Abdul, Y. B. Dato’| 82| John a/l Fernandez, Y. B Tuan| 83| Joseph Entulu Anak Belaun, Y. B. Datuk| 84| Joseph Kurup, Y. B. Tan Sri Datuk Seri Panglima| 85| Joseph Pairin Kitingan, Y. B. Tan Sri Datuk Seri| 86| Joseph Salang Anak Gandum, Y. B. Dato’| 87| Juslie Ajirol, Y. B. Datuk| 88| Kamarudin bin Jaffar, Y. B. Dato’ Haji| 89| Kamarul Baharin bin Abbas, Y. B. Dato’| 90| Karpal Singh a/l Ram Singh, Y. B. Tuan| 91| Khairy Jamaluddin, Y. B. Tuan| 92| Khalid bin Abd Samad, Y. B. Tuan| 93| Kong Cho Ha, Y. B. Dato’ Seri| 4| Lajim bin Haji Ukin, Y. B. Datuk Seri Panglima Haji| 95| Lee Boon Chye, Y. B. Dr. | 96| Lee Chee Leong, Y. B. Dato’| 97| Liang Teck Meng, Y. B. Tuan| 98| Liew Chin Tong, Y. B. Tuan| 99| Liew Vui Keong, Y. B. Datuk| 100| Lilah bin Yasin, Y. B. Dato’| 101| Lim Guan Eng, Y. B. Tuan| 102| Lim Kit Siang, Y. B. Tuan| 103| Lim Lip Eng, Y. B. Tuan| 104| Liow Tiong Lai, Y. B. Dato’ Sri| 105| Lo’ Lo’ binti Hj Mohamad Ghazali, Y. B. Dr. | 106| Loke Siew Fook, Y. B. Tuan| 107| M. Kulasegaran, Y. B. Tuan| 108| M. Saravanan, Y. B. Datuk| 109| Mahfuz bin Haji Omar, Y. B. Dato’ Haji| 110| Makin @ Marcus Mojigoh, Y. B. Datuk Dr. | 111| Manikavasagam a/l Sundaram, Y. B. Tuan| 12| Manogaran a/l Marimuthu, Y. B. Tuan| 113| Masir Anak Kujat, Y. B. Tuan| 114| Matulidi bin Jusoh, Y. B. Tuan| 115| Maximus @ Johnity Ongkili, Y. B. Datuk Seri Dr. | 116| Md Sirat bin Abu, Y. B. Datuk| 117| Micheal Jeyakumar Devaraj, Y. B. Dr. | 118| Mohamad bin Haji Aziz, Y. B. Datuk Haji| 119| Mohamad Shahrum bin Osman, Y. B. Dato’ Dr. | 120| Mohamed Azmin bin Ali, Y. B. Tuan| 121| Mohamed Khaled bin Haji Nordin, Y. B. Dato’ Seri| 122| Mohamed Nazri bin Tan Sri Abdul Aziz, Y. B. Dato’ Seri| 123| Mohammad Nizar bin Jamaluddin, Y. B. Dato’ Seri Ir. | 124| Mohd Abdul Wahid bin Haji Endut, Y. B. Tuan Haji| 125| Mohd Firdaus bin Jaafar, Y. B. Tuan| 26| Mohd Hatta bin Md Ramli, Y. B. Dr. | 127| Mohd Hayati bin Othman, Y. B. Dato’ Dr. Haji| 128| Mohd Jidin bin Shafee, Y. B. Dato’| 129| Mohd Johari bin Baharum, Y. B. Dato’ Wira| 130| Mohd Najib bin Tun Abdul Razak, Y. A. B. Dato’ Sri| 131| Mohd Nasir bin Ibrahim Fikri, Y. B. Datuk| 132| Mohd Nasir bin Zakaria, Y. B. Tuan| 133| Mohd Nizar bin Zakaria, Y. B. Tuan| 134| Mohd Nor bin Othman, Y. B. Tuan Haji| 135| Mohd Puad bin Zarkashi, Y. B. Dr. Hj| 136| Mohd Radzi bin Sheikh Ahmad, Y. B. Dato’ Seri| 137| Mohd Shafie bin Hj. Apdal, Y. B. Dato’ Seri Hj. | 138| Mohd Yusmadi bin Mohd Yusoff, Y. B. Tuan| 139| Mohd Zin bin Mohamed, Y. B. Dato’ Sri Ir. | 40| Mohsin Fadzli bin Haji Samsuri, Y. B. Tuan| 141| Mojilip bin Bumburing @ Wilfred, Y. B. Datuk Seri Panglima| 142| Muhammad bin Husain, Y. B. Tuan| 143| Muhammad Leo Micheal Toyad Abdullah, Y. B. Dato’ Sri Dr. | 144| Muhyiddin bin Mohd. Yassin, Y. A. B. Tan Sri Dato’ Haji| 145| Mujahid Yusof Rawa, Y. B. Dr. | 146| Mukhriz bin Tun Dr. Mahathir, Y. B. Dato’| 147| Mustapa bin Mohamed, Y. B. Dato’ Sri| 148| Nancy binti Haji Shukri, Y. B. Puan Hajah| 149| Nasharudin bin Mat Isa, Y. B. Tuan Haji| 150| Ng Yen Yen, Y. B. Dato’ Sri Dr. | 151| Nga Kor Ming, Y. B. Tuan| 152| Ngeh Koo Ham, Y. B. Dato’| 153| Noh bin Haji Omar, Y. B. Dato’ Seri Haji| 54| Nor Mohamed Yakcop, Y. B. Tan Sri| 155| Norah binti Abdul Rahman, Y. B. Datuk Hajah| 156| Noraini binti Ahmad, Y. B. Dato’| 157| Noriah binti Kasnon, Y. B. Puan| 158| Nur Jazlan bin Mohamad, Y. B. Datuk| 159| Nurul Izzah binti Anwar, Y. B. Puan| 160| Ong Ka Chuan, Y. B. Dato’ Seri| 161| Ong Ka Ting, Y. B. Tan Sri| 162| Ong Tee Keat, Y. B. Dato’ Sri| 163| Ooi Chuan Aun, Y. B. Tuan| 164| P. Kamalanathan a/l P. Panchanathan, Y. B. Tuan| 165| P. Ramasamy a/l Palanisamy, Y. B. Prof. Dr. | 166| Peter Chin Fah Kui, Y. B. Dato’ Sri| 167| Rafidah binti Abd. Aziz, Y. B. Tan Sri,| 168| Raime Unggi, Y. B. Datuk| 169| Rais Yatim, Y. B. Dato’ Seri Utama Dr. | 70| Rashid bin Din, Y. B. Dato’| 171| Razali bin Ibrahim, Y. B. Dato’| 172| Richard Riot Anak Jaem, Y. B. Datuk| 173| Rohani binti Haji Abd. Karim, Y. B. Datuk Hajah| 174| Ronald Kiandee, Y. B. Datuk| 175| Rosnah binti Haji Abdul Rashid Shirlin, Y. B. Datuk| 176| S. Subramaniam, Y. B. Datuk Dr. | 177| Saifuddin bin Abdullah, Y. B. Dato’| 178| Saifuddin Nasution bin Ismail, Y. B. Tuan| 179| Salahuddin bin Haji Ayub, Y. B. Tuan| 180| Salleh bin Kalbi, Y. B. Tuan Haji| 181| Sapawi bin Haji Amat Wasali @ Ahmad, Y. B. Datuk| 182| Shahrir bin Abdul Samad, Y. B. Datuk Seri Utama| 183| Shamsul Anuar bin Nasarah, Y. B. Dato’| 184| Shaziman bin Abu Mansor, Y. B. Dato’| 85| Sim Tong Him, Y. B. Tuan| 186| Siringan bin Gubat, Y. B. Datuk| 187| Siti Mariah binti Mahmud, Y. B. Dr. Hajah| 188| Siti Zailah binti Mohd Yusoff, Y. B. Puan| 189| Sivarasa a/l K. Rasiah, Y. B. Tuan| 190| Sulaiman Abdul Rahman Taib, Y. B. Dato’ Sri| 191| Syed Hamid bin Syed Jaafar Albar, Y. B. Tan Sri Datuk Seri| 192| Taib Azamudden bin Md Taib, Y. B. Tuan| 193| Tajuddin bin Abdul Rahman, Y. B. Dato’ Haji| 194| Tan Ah Eng, Y. B. Puan| 195| Tan Kok Wai, Y. B. Tuan| 196| Tan Lian Hoe, Y. B. Dato’| 197| Tan Seng Giaw, Y. B. Dr. | 198| Tan Tee Beng, Y. B. Tuan| 199| Tekhee @Tiki anak Lafe, Y. B. Datuk Dr. | 200| Teng Boon Soon, Y. B. Tuan| 01| Tengku Adnan bin Tengku Mansor, Y. B. Datuk Seri| 202| Tengku Azlan Ibni Almarhum Sultan Abu Bakar, Y. B. Dato’ Seri| 203| Tengku Razaleigh bin Tengku Hamzah, Y. B. | 204| Teo Nie Ching, Y. B. Puan| 205| Teresa Kok Suh Sim, Y. B. Puan| 206| Tiong King Sing, Y. B. Datuk Seri| 207| Tiong Thai King, Y. B. Datuk| 208| Tony Pua Kiam Wee, Y. B. Tuan| 209| Wan Abd. Rahim bin Wan Abdullah, Y. B. Dato’ Haji| 210| Wan Junaidi bin Tuanku Jaafar, Y. B. Datuk Dr. | 211| Wee Choo Keong, Y. B. Tuan| 212| Wee Jeck Seng, Y. B. Datuk| 213| Wee Ka Siong, Y. B. Datuk Ir. Dr. | 214| William @ Nyallau Anak Badak, Y. B. Tuan| 215| William Leong Jee Keen, Y. B. Tuan| 216| Wong Ho Leng, Y. B. Tuan| 217| Yong Khoon Seng, Y. B. Dato’| 218| Yussof bin Haji Mahal, Y. B. Datuk Haji| 219| Zahrain Mohamed Hashim, Y. B. Dato’ Seri| 220| Zulhasnan bin Rafique, Y. B. Dato’ Sri Haji| 221| Zulkifli bin Noordin, Y. B. Tuan| 222| Zuraida binti Kamaruddin, Y. B. Puan Hajah| Members sitting in meeting Senate consist of 90 members (26 elected from 13 states,4 appointed by YDPA federal territories which is Kuala Lumpur ,Putrajaya and Labuan. To be eligible as a member: 1. be a Malaysian citizen; 2. be not less than 30 years old; 3. be of sound mind; 4. not be an undischarged bankrupt; and 5. not have a criminal record The role of the president is to preside over the sittings of the Senate, responsible for the observance of the rules in the Senate, ensure the relevancy of the points raised during the Debate, to interpret the Standing Orders in case of disputes and the decision is final The list of the President YB Dato’ Haji Abdul Rahman b. Mohamed Yassin 11. 09. 1959 – 31. 12. 1969 YB Tuan Syed Sheh bin Syed Hassan Barakhah 27. 01. 1969 – 05-. 02. 1969 YB Dato’ Haji Mohamad Noah bin Omar 24. 02. 1969 – 28-07. 1970 YB Tan Sri Haji Abdul Hamid Khan bin Haji Sakhawat Ali Khan 20. 02. 1971 – 22. 02. 1973 Y. A. Bhg. Tun Datuk Haji Omar Yoke Lin Ong 23. 02. 1973 – 31. 12. 1980 YB Tan Sri Ismail Khan 05. 01. 1981 – 13. 04. 1985 YB Tan Sri Datuk Benedict Stephens 15. 04. 985 – 11. 04. 1988 YB Tan Sri Datuk Abang Haji Ahmad Urai bin Datu Hakim Abang 11. 07. 1988 – 09-07. 1990 YB Tan Sri Dato’ Chan Choong Tak 17. 12. 1990 – 31. 03. 1992 YB Tan Sri Dato’ Vadiveloo s/o Govindasamy 13. 04. 1992 – 12. 06. 1995 YB Dato’ Adam bin Kadir 13. 06. 1995 – 30. 11. 1996 YB Tan Sri Dato’ Haji Mohamad bin Ya’acob 10. 12. 1996 – 05. 12. 2000 YB Tan Sri Dato’ Michael Chen Wing Sum 07. 12. 2000 – 11. 04. 2003 YB Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Dr. Abdul Hamid Pawanteh 07. 07. 2003 – 06. 07. 2009 YB Dato’ Ir Wong Foon Meng 07. 07. 2009 – 14. 04. 2010 YB Tan Sri Abu Zahar bin Dato’ Nika Ujang 6. 04. 2010 – present |  | Members sitting in meeting Members of Parliament is permitted to speak on any subject as the Parliament immunity takes effect from the moment the member is sworn in and only applies when the statement made inside the house. But there are one rules that must be obeyed is never touch the social contract.

The Process of the Federal Legislating Process 1st Ministry level will come up with draft proposal after consultation and discussion with related ministries and department under its ministries. 2nd Stamped with the Royal Seal. 3rd The bill that is approved by both Houses will be presented to the YDPA for approval. 4th The bill is presented to the House of Representative or the Senate; 3 readings * 1st reading – the Minister to read the bill * 2nd reading – the principle of the bill will be discussed * 3rd reading – the bill will be discussed at the level of the House Committee (The bill that passed by HOR will be brought to the Senate for approval and goes the same process) 5th The Minister and the officers of his ministry will frame the bill with advice from the Attorney General’s Office. 6th After being agreed by the Cabinet, with or without amendment the bill is printed and presented to Parliament. 7th The Minister will get Cabinet to pass the bill policy explaining the importance of presenting it in Parliament.

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The Cabinet and Legislative of Malaysia. (2017, Sep 25). Retrieved March 18, 2025 , from

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