Business Communication Challenges

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BUSINESS COMMUNICATION MULTI-SEGMENT INTERVIEW PROJECT 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The purpose of this research is to understand different communication challenges that individuals face at their work place in New Zealand. In completing this research I have learnt that if I go through these communication challengers in future I will know how to overcome these problems. This report was conducted through selecting three different participants from a work environment within New Zealand. This was followed by sending a letter requesting for their participation in a research interview in regards to communication challenges that individuals face in New Zealand working environments, on a proposed date. Once the letter was accepted and approved the interview commenced. The interview consisted of ten questions. After the interview, emails were sent to thank them for their participation in the research interview project. This report has examined extensive range of communication challenges that employees face in New Zealand working environment. Example Misunderstanding arising from improper verbal communication- for example, where employees within a personnel agency do not use proper verbal cues such as, speaking clearly and asking feedback, then candidates may not understand what is required of them and hence perform inadequately. Therefore, it is essential that employees ensure they speak clearly, and require feedback from candidates to ensure candidates understand what is required of them. Another barrier that affects communication is Language barrier between national and foreign individuals – for example, in a New Zealand retail environment; foreign customers cannot fluently speak English. This in turn, leads to misunderstanding and confusion between the employees and their customers. Accordingly, organisations should employ individuals from multicultural background who possess bilingual language ability. In addition, it may prove to be useful if organisations maintain a foreign language dictionary or language translator application. Effective communication results when communication is so clear that there is understanding between the sender of the message and the receiver of the message. 2 Table of contents: Executive summary Table of contents 2.0 introduction 2.1 terms of reference 2.2 objectives 2.3 methodology 3.0 findings 3.1 participant 4.0 participant 5.0 participant 6.0 conclusion 7.0 references 8.0 Apendicies 3 2. INTRODUCTION Communication can be defined as the, message, or information, as by speech, visuals, signals, writing or behaviour (Wikipedia Org, 2012). Communication allows an organisation to achieve their goals. It’s important because it helps people to understand each other better. Communication can be verbal communication and non-verbal communication. The verbal communication is communication using words or language and communicating face to face, such as words, sounds, speaking and language. Some characteristics of verbal communication. The two categories of communication are verbal communication and non-verbal communication. The verbal communication is communication using words or language. Language is useful tool because, if we use it effectively, language can convey knowledge and establish connection across time and space. (O’Rourke and Barnett, 2008:Pg32). Non-verbal communication is very broad term and covers all the ways we send message (either deliberately or unintentionally) without using words. (O’Rourke and Barnett, 2008: Pg135)

  • Consider the objective
  • Be sincere
  • Use simple language, familiar words
  • Be brief and precise
  • Use polite words and tone

Non-verbal communication includes all written and unspoken message both intentional and unintentional. Some features of non-verbal communication.

  • Non-verbal communication flows through all acts of speaking or writing
  • They are word less message
  • Is a creative activity which comes through stimuli produced by mind

In communication there are barriers. Some of these barriers are: 4

  • Physical barriers-is distance between people at work place
  • Emotional barriers-anything we say can be used against us
  • Cultural barriers-people from different cultures interacting which is difficult to understand.
  • Language barriers-use of heavy jargon and technical language in conversation
  • Interpersonal barriers-exchange of information between two or more people

2.1 Terms of Reference: It is an assessment component of a multi-segment project for business communication paper. The main purpose this interview research was to find out communication challenges people face while working in New Zealand environment. Our course tutor Miss Sheetal Singh has stated to write a report that is based on communication challenges faced by employees at the work place and analyse the possible solutions for the challenges faced. The importance of communication skills is evident in all aspects of life. For example, in the workplace, a lack of communication results in misunderstanding and builds emotional walls. These barriers create a huge dimension of issues. The barriers are physical barrier, technical barrier, physiological barrier, and psychological barrier. Effective communication results when communication is so clear that there is shared understanding between the sender of the message and the receiver of the message. Communication challenges are faced by every individual within an organisation; therefore, it is essential to overcome communication challenges in order for organisations to achieve its strategic goals.

2.2 Objectives:

  • The purpose of this research was to find out different communication challenges faced by people at workplace in New Zealand.
  • What are the effects of these communication challengers in people’s lives at their work place?
  • How to overcome these challengers with possible solutions.

2.3 Methodology: The research work carried out for this report was mostly primary researches and partly secondary because this research was done through selecting three different participants from different work environments within New Zealand. My primary research was done by sending letters requesting for their participation, on a proposed date. Once the letter was accepted and approved the interview was conducted. The interview consisted of eight questions. Lastly emails were sent to thank them for their participation in the research interview. And secondary research was done by the use of books and internets to gather more information. 3.0 Findings: 3.1 Participant: A Participant A, Mr.Nicoll has been in New Zealand for years and currently working as a sales manager at Euro glass at one of the retail outlets in mount roskil.. He has been working there for nearly 8years. His general responsibilities are customer service pricing work. These few years he has been faced with extensive communication challenges which includes; 3.2 Communication challenges and effects: Cultural problems – since it was a multicultural environment at work he got to meet a lot of different cultures of people working together. People communicating there to each other were difficult for him to understand them because they used to communicate in their own language which she was not familiar with. He found it was offensive since he didn’t know what actually they were talking about, was it about her or someone else or work. 3.3 Strategies to overcome challenge: Interact more with people who are from different cultures , he tried to ask his workmates if he can hangout around with them and to be friends with them so that she can understand them better and at the same time learn little bit about their language, culture and values. He also made a lot of effort to spend more time with his valued clients as they are the ones that bring more work for him. 4.0 Participant: B Participant B, Miss Pritika Mohan has been in New Zealand for nearly 10 years now and is currently working for one of the biggest exports company which is known as DHL Global fording (NZ) for 3 years now. Her general responsibilities are to order new stocks, stock rotation, make displays, stock refilling and order credit notes. The main challenging issue with her when he started were; 4.1 Communication challenge and effect: Physical barrier due to area spaces (isolation) which could prove difficult for employee’s to have effective communication since he was a merchandiser it was hard for her to communicate with other workmates because all of them were allocated to different so they hardly meet or see each other and psychological barrier due to workload distribution, its caused communication melt down with other employees.

4.2 Strategies to overcome challenges:

  • Management should encourage socializing by hosting monthly lunch.
  • Provide English class to employees, proper planning of roster to disturb workload equally.
  • Development of new technology by company through installing phones in every department to improve communication.

5.0 Participant: C 5.1 Background: Participants C, Miss Reshni jeshika Lata has been working for Mobil Walmsley in New Zealand as customer service and multitask. Her everyday duties were customer service and database collection that is entering of items in system, balancing and ordering. Over the months she has been faced with extensive communication challenges including; 5.2 Communication challenges and effects: Language barrier- Participant was facing difficulties to understand workmate because the colleague was speaking very fast and she had problem in understanding their language, she was not that fluent with local language. People at work place had thick accented that made it difficulty in understanding them: for example the workmate was not communicating face to face and there was no eye content which became a barrier. Tasks were incorrectly performed: the participant did not understand what the colleague was saying, and she couldn’t figure out what work was to be done. She performed all work incorrectly. 5.3 Strategies to overcome challenges: Interacting more with people of different cultures –participant should interact more with other people for example after work, going out at and socialise with individuals. Asking for feedback- if she is not sure of anything that how and when it is to be done, she should always ask the superiors. Active listening- she should be listening carefully so that she can understand. The colleague should speak clearly, and making sure that she have understood everything, and also giving her feedback once she have finished the task. 6.0 Conclusion: Summary of findings: In conclusion, this report has examined extensive range of communication challenges that employees face in New Zealand working environment. These challenges include: Cultural communication- is where employees within a organisation do not use proper verbal language such as, speaking clearly and asking for feedback, then people may not understand what is required of them and leading not performing well. Therefore, it is important that employees speak clearly, and require feedback from people to ensure candidates understand what is required of them. Language barrier between workmates and individuals – for example, in a New Zealand retail environment, people from different country cannot fluently speak English. This leads to misunderstanding and confusion between the employees and their customers. Organisations should employ individuals from multicultural background who possess different types of language ability. In addition, it may would to be useful if organisations keep a foreign language dictionary or language translator application. Physical and physiological barrier- for example, a retail company employs a diverse range of individuals so they need to communicate to reach to their goal…working in distance from each other during works hours won’t lead to effective communication, people will have pace between them giving a understanding of being left out. Employees won’t know each in the same company these individuals include some who are new into the country. Even too much work load can lead people into stress which leads them to not perform well at work, causing error and mistakes at work. In addition, they should require feedback from employees to ensure message is effectively communicated and they are comfortable. Implications: If challenges are not solved, its impact on businesses will be:

  • Not having proper understanding can lead to arguments and fights in the organization.
  • Words and Slangs we say in our language could often mean something else in someone else’s language; it could be offensive in many ways and affect co-workers in organization.
  • Poor communication skills can lead to communication gaps, by comparing higher and lower status leading people misunderstanding between them.

Recommendations: After finishing this interview report, I would like to recommend that:

  • People should Learn other people’s language.
  • About the different cultures.
  • Getting involved with the people around you.
  • Use of gestures while communicating
  • The company should have a diverse workforce to ensure employee needs are met
  • These recommendations will help an organisation to communicate effectively, which in turn, will help it to achieve its strategic goals.

7.0 References:

  • Wikipedia Organization. (2012). Communication. Retrieved: 5 August 2012 from

8.0 Appendices: 560:Business communication Multi-segment interview project QUESTIONAIRE

  1. What is your current position in the company?
  2. How long have you been working for this company?
  3. What means of communication do use the most during working hours?
  4. Give a brief description of your roles and responsibilities?
  5. Have you ever faced communication challenges at your work place?
  6. Briefly describe these challenges and how did it affect you and your work?
  7. Does working alone help finish work on time and why?
  8. What kind of people do you find difficult to work with? Why?
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Business Communication Challenges. (2017, Jun 26). Retrieved October 23, 2024 , from

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