Alzheimer’s Disease in Older People

Check out more papers on Alzheimer's Disease Clinical Psychology Dementia

Alzheimer's disease a kind of disease that many older people from the age 65 and older gain. This disease will destroy important functions in the brain by neurons dying off. Also, this disorder cannot be cured. Alzheimer's disease is also a common cause of dementia, a general term for memory loss. People with this disease also have a hard time communicating or difficulty with learning new things.

Signs and symptoms of Alzheimer's disease often come in slowly but worsen over time. Symptoms of this disease include memory loss, confusion, and inability to do simple things such as solving a puzzle or adding, loss of recognition of people or objects. You can also get mood swings which include anger and loneliness. Eventually, people may even start to forget family members. When they're in early stages patients will a have hard time making plans or organizing things that's when they tend to get frustrated.

You cannot diagnose Alzheimer's disease until after death. That's when a doctor can closely examine the brain with a microscope. There's no specific test that confirms when a person has Alzheimer's disease. A doctor might make a judgment about the disease only if they feel like your symptoms or information you're providing can relate to the disease. Doctors nearly determine whether you have dementia and is whether your dementia is due to Alzheimer's disease. This disease can be treated but up to this day they have not found a cure.

Complications when getting diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease is that you commonly have periods of agitation and anxiousness. A loved one's ability to reason and understand certain situations. Bladder and bowels problems are other complications due to Alzheimer's disease. A person may no longer recognize the sensation of having to use the bathroom. Some people with this disease can also have depression. Symptoms of depression can be having sleeping problems, change in moods, and difficulty concentrating. Symptoms of depression can be really similar to the general symptoms. Which makes it difficult because you might not be able to determine if the person is experiencing depression or just normal symptoms. When it comes to surgery that involves drilling holes into the skull to implant wires into either side of the brain. People believe that it can treat the disease but still haven't proven it. Making sure you ask your doctor what tests or other procedures might you're loved one need could be important.

If I had a patient come to my clinic and explain to me signs and symptoms that they have been having. I would try to get as many details have I possibly can get. If I have a suspicion that I might know what's causing those symptoms. I will go ahead and tell the doctor what my patient has been going through, and what I recommend we should do. I would diffidently support my patient by telling them we are here to help. We would do whatever it takes in order to find out what's going on with them. Usually, when it comes to my personal experience I will always want my nurse/doctor support in whatever the situation is. Seeing that there are trying to help in many ways makes me feel very comfortable. Especially if I know I'm scared it might be something bad. If my patient was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease I would try to give my patient as much information as possible. Not just to that person but if my patient is with a family member I would try to give them as much information too. Making sure I answer all their questions as well.

Overall people with Alzheimer's disease will have treatment for the rest of their lives. It is important to always see your doctor regularly in case you feel like something is different about you. Getting regularly checkup could be good as well. The family member should give you all the support they can especially when it comes to this disease. You might not know when you're going to get a symptom. It can be very dangerous especially if you're out in a public place or driving. Letting the person with this disease know that they have you fully support could be a good thing that way they don't feel like they're in it by themselves.

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Alzheimer's Disease in Older People. (2019, Apr 12). Retrieved October 23, 2024 , from

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